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Shoreline Events - The lies and what we should do about it


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Wasn't it barnetts event last year that left the site in a totally **** condition which cost the MOD thousands in cleanup costs?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
It's Paintball. We mark each other with paintballs. We know when we have hit someone, because we can see that the paintball has broken from a distance. Are you seriously claiming that there is no real difference between colored paint and clear paint?
I understand that in order to use the MOD areas you have to use clear paint. That is a trade-off. Its an amazing theatre, so people get why they don't want it painted up. No problem there.
The reason you're using clear paint at Holmbush is not because its an amazing theatre, which will not allow normal paintballs. Special paint does not need to be approved by the MOD to go play there.
It's a tricky situation, where you're trying to do the right thing by your supplier, but in turn, offering your customer a lower value product for the same price, and I kinda get it to be honest, but don't claim that there is no drop in product value, or that the problem is the players. We knew the problem was with the players 30 years ago - that's why we made colored paintballs - so that we would know when we hit someone, stop shooting them, and expect them then to leave the field.

Righteous indignation will never win an argument.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Wasn't it barnetts event last year that left the site in a totally **** condition which cost the MOD thousands in cleanup costs?
Yea, think it was: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-16435286

Seems more likely to me he planned and advertised the event, and maybe even got a provisional booking, but when the site commander whatnot has done followups, they've rejected them based on last years fiasco...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Let me tell you about Simon's position here, barnett had to order over 30 grand's worth of clear paintball. Simon's position in this deal was compromised inasmuch if the deal went sour in any way, Simon did not want to be sitting in 30 grand's worth of clear paint with nobody wishing to buy it. It seems people, sites and players prefer coloured paint when playing in the woods or in FIBUA set ups. And so, Simon had to make damned sure barnett couldn't renege on the deal and so contracted barnett to buy the paint relating to a purchase order thus securing barnett's obligation to pay no matter what happened.

The sh!t subsequently hit the fan and now barnett is stuck with 30 grand's worth of clear paint he needs to unload on the players who actually do turn up to his event.
Seems to me, he's more interested in securing his own ass than giving his customers what's appropriate.
He's so under-financed that he's left himself no wriggling room and therefore has to impose the clear paint on his already-dissatisfied customer base, way to go barnett :/
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
To be fair, the reason barnett was told he cannot use the original site was because of circumstances unforeseen. I don't think for one second he knew it was gonna be changed but even so, his default package in regard to his customer's rights for a full refund isn't really user-friendly in the sense of upholding customer's rights when purchasing something.
He really doesn't give two fuhks about customers, he cares about himself, nothing more.

The Coalthief

Active Member
May 27, 2011
We knew the problem was with the players 30 years ago - that's why we made colored paintballs - so that we would know when we hit someone
Players also know when they've been hit,irrespective of the paints colour.
And coloured paint has hardly prevented cheating has it?
Robbo may well be right with his post above,but if wiping rarely happened then the colour of the paint would be irrelevant.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
All paintballers cheat, that's a given.
Clear paint creates opportunities for anyone wishing to embrace the dark-side if they so wish but even if we ignore those prepared to cheat, we still have to deal with clip shots that would otherwise be easily identified but are now cause for ambiguity.
Paintballs need to be coloured because they are used by paintballers, end of !
It ain't rocket science, it's all about social-science and people's propensity to cheat and of course to give themselves the benefit of the doubt which would otherwise be unavailable because of a frikkin great dollop of coloured paint.


Jul 27, 2011
I think most of you on this thread have lost sight of the truth of the matter... even Simon!

It is unfortunate that the venue has been changed and naturally people will be upset. Some, like Simon, will want more explanation than others. As a customer I think Simon has every right to question the event organizer for a full and clear account of what went wrong.
In the interest of keeping your clients as happy as possible given the circumstances you would would think the organizer would try and handle a customer as tactfully as possible. Especially an angry customer such as Simon who I'm sure was reasonable to begin with.
Instead what Simon got by the sound if it was a "GET LOST" email!
Charming! What a way to handle a client?

NOW for a moment imagine it was you that had bought an item mail-order only to find when it arrived it had been substituted for a similar but not quite as exciting alternative. You complain and are told "GET LOST, YOU'RE SORTED!"

Judging by the comments half of you would put up with that kind of customer service. Yes?

I don't blame Simon for getting all worked up and wanting to take this further. He must have steam coming out of his ears!

Also, just because Shoreline have written in small print that the venue could change at any moment, don't assume that statement is a legal get out of jail free card for Shoreline. It could still be in breach of your consumer rights. As Simon said if you booked a holiday in Spain and ended up in Blackpool, that wouldn't be the end of the matter.

I could say more but that will do for now...


Jul 27, 2011
To be fair, the reason barnett was told he cannot use the original site was because of circumstances unforeseen. I don't think for one second he knew it was gonna be changed but even so, his default package in regard to his customer's rights for a full refund isn't really user-friendly in the sense of upholding customer's rights when purchasing something.
He really doesn't give two fuhks about customers, he cares about himself, nothing more.
Just spotted this which I missed on my previous scan. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALK'N ABOUT!!!