scenario paintball

  1. joffrey_baratheon

    speedball arenas

    does anyone know of any sites that have speedball arenas that they use as part of the day? preferably in the midlands. i like the idea of speedball and it gives me something different to do. it's just that i dont want to commit myself to a team and then not want to do it after not very long. so...
  2. D

    Best Games Throughout the year

    So considering I've been away from the paintballing scene for a year or two, I thought I'd ask you lot (as this forum seems to be active) I'm curious to know the following things: (this will also help other readers) Which events did you attend? Which was the best and the worst and why...
  3. joffrey_baratheon

    Join my team for fun!

    Right, pretty much every paintball team is one that's sheerly for competition purposes. And yeah that's all fine and good. Alot of people enjoy that but what I want is to have a team of guys and girls that can just go into any Paintball event/weekend/walk on and people will be like "oh god it's...
  4. ajnin

    Fatal Scenarios- No Silent Nights: Frosty's Fallout - Dec 4-6 Combat Zone Oroville Ca

    Nor-Cal Scenario Paintball at its finest! celebrate Christmas with your paintball family Post-Apocalyptic style at No Silent Nights: Frosty's Fallout. Twas a week or two before Christmas, when all through the lands, every child was stirring, some even losing their hands. No stockings were...