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nick hare

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2013
I've heard that this event is now postponed due to renovations at the site. Is this true? If so is there a planned new date?


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
The Going Postal game “12” on the 19th & 20th April 2014 has to be rescheduled. We have been notified this Friday by the ministry of defence that Copehill Down FIBUA village has been granted £2 million pounds to uplift and renovate the site and therefore is unavailable for all training and civilian hire from February for about 3 months. We will be receiving our official confirmation on Monday however it only seems fair to our customers to give you as much notice as possible.

The game is NOT cancelled we are just required to change the date. We have put a new bid into the MOD for a further two dates in the summer and when we get one of the dates confirmed we will let you all know. It goes without saying and as per our disclaimer, all tickets and paint purchased so far will be honoured for the new date.

We appreciate that when the new date is announced it may not be convenient for all and may clash with existing plans. After we announce the new date if you are unable to make it then we will refund your ticket/paint or transfer it to another event we will be launching in the coming fortnight. You will still get a 12 hour long legendary Going Postal scenario game and all the other stuff it will just be on a different weekend and at a newly refurbished Copehill Down....

For the moment we have suspended ticket sales on our webstore until we have the new date confirmed. If you need to contact us please send us an email to admin@goingpostalpb.co.uk or PM “GoingPostal” on UKScenario.com and we will get back to you.

I am sure you will understand that we are very disappointed to have to reschedule and it has been a difficult 24 hours confirming the full details and working on new availability but hope you will bear with us whilst we confirm the reschedule and announce the new details.

We will bring you any information on the new date just as soon as we have it confirmed.
Going Postal Scenario Paintball Team


Oct 20, 2013
In the Zone, Shredding FOOLS!
Just to let everybody know this event is still heading forward and the date has been changed to the 2nd/3rd of August for anybody who wishes to attend.


Copehill Down is going to get Jacked!

Will you fight for the Dog Soldiers and CTU to try and save Los Angeles or will you side with the Union of Terrorists and those evil (can-caning) SPS!

The main game will start at 10am on Saturday and play straight through till 10pm in the evening. Every hour the mission will change, new intel will be uncovered, new plots unveiled! Be prepared to think and fight hard all day!

Sunday will see one final 4 hour dust up to decide the ultimate fate of Los Angeles. That’s 16 hours of paintball over the weekend!


Tickets will be £60 each and are available from The Going Postal Webstore


Paint will be Sterling Clear paint, £30 a case (for 2,000 balls) and will be available by pre-order through the Going Postal Webstore. There may be limited paint availability over the weekend but do not rely on that.

Only paint purchased for this event can be used. Any other paint brought on site will be confiscated. ABSOLUTELY NO COLOURED PAINT CAN BE USED ON SITE. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR MARKER BREACH, LOADER AND PODS ARE ALL CLEAR OF ANY COLOURED PAINTBALLS.

We recommend buying and securing your ticket before purchasing paint afterwards. There will be a deadline on paint sales which will be approx 3 weeks before the event but confirmed closer to the time.


There will be limited camping for the event and will be on a first come first serve basis. When you have purchased your ticket, PM GoingPostal on UKS or message us on Facebook and request a camp pitch. There are no showers onsite and the “facilities” are what you would expect for an MOD base in the middle of the Salisbury Plains.


Catering will be provided by the MOD’s onsite catering contractor. We are awaiting a confirmed price list for 2014 but last years prices where very reasonable.


As always Pyro will count for kills. The full rules will be in the players pack but if you have played an urban game before you will know the drill. Pyro will be site pyro only!!

A full list of traders will be supplied closer to the time.

Players Pack
The players pack will be released one month before the event with full details of everything going on over the weekend, the game rules, directions etc. Please don’t ask beforehand….it makes Dodge’s hair fall out and he doesn’t have a lot of it to start with!

And Finally
We have some more stuff up our sleeves which we will release throughout the coming months. Tip on the first one, if you are a magfed player, be excited.


This is not a standard paintball site. This is a working military base and as such a level of behaviour is expected of attendees. Abusive behaviour to any of the staff or MP’s on site will see you walked off either by them or by us. We are able to use these sites at the kind behest of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and we will not tolerate any behaviour that jeopardizes future games in such settings. There will be a STRICT no dry firing, no pyro and no stupid antics policy in the camping area. If you breech ANY of these rules you will be given one polite chance to pack your gear and remove yourself from site or you will be removed either by us or the MP’s. There will be no refunds and a ban from any future Going Postal organised event for any breaches of this warning.

NB . err 2. As previously stated, this is a live operational MOD facility and as such is subject to last minute changes in booking if operations require it. Therefore there is a very, very, very slim chance that our date might be changed with very little notice. As this is the Easter weekend this risk is considered very, very small. It goes without saying that all tickets will be valid for any rearranged date.

Tickets can still be purchased here


Many Thanks

Going Postal PB

nick hare

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2013
has this now been cancelled/postponed again? if so any idea on new dates and how people go about getting their money back


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
Unfortunately it has. Check out their Facebook page for refunds and/or rescheduling.

"Going Postal – Urgent Announcement
We regret to announce that this morning we received an email from the Ministry of Defence advising that our booking of Copehill Down for the 2nd/3rd of August has been cancelled due to training requirements.

We are currently exploring what our options are with rearranging the date. We have been offered another venue by the MOD however it was far too small to consider running a game of this size and not suitable for the ’12’ scenario.

If we are unable to secure a new date for ’12’ @ Copehill Down then we will cancel it and refunds will be given.

We will update you as soon as possible. A decision will be made on Tuesday evening of next week regardless of whether the MOD have been able to offer us anything by that time. If no safe date can be arranged or we are not offered another date within that timeframe then we will cancel rather than continue the uncertainty.

We appreciate this is a bad situation and ask that you bare with us whilst we resolve it and thank you for your patience. In the meantime, ticket and paint sales on the webstore have been suspended.

Going Postal"