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A letter to Bush

Rate_of_Fire #80

New Member
Apr 18, 2003
Boston, Mass, USA
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Big problem mate, most of the posters on this site are in the UK, we never really got the heeby jeebies about Communism..... just a bit of history to us. Not a "bogey man" term to cover all of the worlds evil. Be interesting to know how much you even understand about the term. It gets thrown around a lot, they get blamed for everything but crop circles (we all know that's the French).
Accually, I do know what communism is. No I am not using it as a bogey man term. Many of the supports of the soviet union are going to hate everything we americans do, because they are jelous, no offense, and they fund the antiwar protests.

About the crop circles, actually, some british guys were supposed to have done that. Not that I have anything against the UK, they are are strongest ally, and make damn good paintball guns.

you don't use democrat as a term for evil do you?

Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
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Communism is a dream and can not work in reality. The IDEA of it is full of glorious equality and wellness for all, but flamingos will rule the world before Communism will work.
I don't know about the French PEOPLE, but their leaders suck.
A few Brit pranksters were responsible for a batch of crop circles, but not all of them. There were essentiall two groups of crop circles and the really, really elaborate ones have proven to be a hoax. Some of the simpler ones are still "unexplained."
I like Freedom Toast and Freedom Fries...they taste better.
I don't use "democrat" as a term for evil...but "politician" cuts closer, and "politics" as the devil's law.
My wife has a cat named Juliet and I have a dog named Romeo. I once thought about naming a pet "mittens" and then I threw my head into the nearest toilet to purge the demons from my soul. They have not come back but my teeth are still blue.


UNITED NATIONS, April 22 — As he prepared to brief the U.N. Security Council Tuesday on his readiness to send arms experts back to Iraq, chief weapons inspector Hans Blix questioned the intelligence used by the United States and Britain to justify attacking Iraq for concealing weapons of mass destruction.

BLIX, FAULTED by Washington for not coming up with evidence of illegal weapons, also accused U.S. officials of deliberately seeking to discredit his team in the run-up to the Iraq war in a bid to win political support for military action.
“I think it’s been one of the disturbing elements that so much of the intelligence on which the capitals built their case seemed to have been shaky,” Blix told BBC radio in an interview, excerpts of which were broadcast on Tuesday.
Blix, who is due to address the U.N. Security Council later on Tuesday on his readiness to send inspectors back to Iraq, said he would not dream of accusing U.S. and British intelligence agencies of fabricating reports on illegal arms.
But he questioned their ability to spot “fakes” such as a report Iraq had imported tons of raw uranium.
“Is it not disturbing that the intelligence agencies that should have all the technical means at their disposal did not discover that this was falsified?” he said.
“I think that’s very very disturbing. Who falsifies this?” he said in the excerpts, aired ahead of the planned full broadcast on Saturday.

Blix also said that allegations by U.S. officials that his team had deliberately suppressed information on an Iraqi unmanned drone plane and a cluster bomb in its report on Iraq’s weapons were intended to discredit inspectors.
“At that time the U.S. was very eager to sway the votes of the Security Council and they felt that stories about these things would be useful to have and they let it out,” Blix said.
“Thereby they tried to hurt us a bit and say we’d suppressed this,” he added.
Asked whether the U.S. had leaked information to sway U.N. votes, he said: “It looked like that.”
Blix said, however, that he did not doubt the sincerity of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, who presented a key report to the U.N. of Iraq’s suspected banned weapons before the war.
“If you sit at the top you can’t check everything,” he said.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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I don't know what all the fuss is about. It's nearly impossible to weaponise Flying Death Monkey's, and their effectiveness on the modern battlefield is unproven. In fact the technological know-how to weaponise Flying Death Monkeys would be beyond the reaches of all states except the US anyhow. I'd be much more worried about the La Rochelle Tricolor Numero Une Mackeral Hemorrhagic Fever, which has been produced in Iraq under French Licence for the last 11 years.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
We need to address serious chemical weapon issues..... start with Cheese-wiz the Americans have it, and it must contravene any number of human rights conventions. Aerosol cheese, for god's sake it's against the natural order.