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building up leg muscles


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
cookie_834 said:
suicide runs...come on.... u mustve done them

u run to a point then run back to where u run then run to a further point and back, so on and so forth
You got it mate, try doing it with a weighted rucksack and also do alternative dropped knees.

Hurts like hell, but will make your legs strong


Sod Off!
Jul 26, 2005
on t'internet
that muscle is worked when extending your leg. I believe it is called Vastus Medialis (inner).

Just try simple things cycling or steppin. much cheaper than using the gym, with no 12 month contract to get out of.

lil pala

shylads son aka p.diddy
Jun 12, 2006
in a lil house
suicide runs kill wen i used 2 do basketball on a sunday b4 i started pb they seriously make u ache 4 days (well it make me ache) lol

/lil pala


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
As fantastic as these words of wisdom are, they are unfortunately a little off the mark. By the sound of it cookie has injuried his knee in a certain way which has likely caused knee swelling and thus restricted, the mentioned, Vastus Medialis and could have caused severe muscle loss. The problem is that in the future an imbalance between the 4 quads muscles this can in turn cause various problems which can be very painful.

Treatment would depend on how serious it is and the most extreme end of the scale is biofeedback training which basically allows you to train the VM without training the other quads anywhere near as much so that it can effectively catch the others up. At the other end of the scale ther are things like simply emphasising certain ways of doing lunges, step downs, hack squats and various other things. Which are probably exactly what was recommended to you :? . If you want to make some big improvements I would suggest that you find a very good physio in your region, I can recommend a fantastic one in south wales if you want, who I saw for a while when I had to have surgery on my ankle.

If this is not treated properly you can hold on to the injury for a lot longer than you should and can also be why you here so many people say things like "oh thats my bad leg from when I used to play rugby" its probably, though not in all cases, because they didn't treat it correctly.

Hope you get better soon

Andy Steele

P8ntball isn't a sport
Sep 2, 2005
lil pala said:
4/ go into press-up position, jump yous legs up, so they touch your chest (keep your hands on the floor), and then jump back to origional position, then repeat.

these are called squats dude :D

/lil pala
these are acually called squat thrusts, which in my opinion are to harsh if your starting to build up you damaged knee, get on a cross trainer. there good coz its a non impact machine so it will get your knee mobile and working with no risk of impact damage.

have i not told you this already martin?