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CPPS event schedule/program booklet

Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
Got to say rich this is one of the best ideas i have ever seen this is why your tournament is getting bigger and bigger your focus on customer serive is great.

All the big tournaments dont even give out a booklet, just a load of sheats which go missing soon as you get them.

Keep up the good work xx


I'm a country member!
here's another one..

how about adding in a few random rules from the Millennium bible, something like "Do you know... you could be 3-4-1'd for having a ****e Doddsy haircut". I'm sure there are a few odd rules out there which even the most experience amongst us didnt know lol
Millennium have a rule book? :rolleyes:

Have to say that I was impressed by the booklet, I think those moaning about not having team names in the schedule table should really get a life, you should try reading one of the Millennium event schedules, the ones that are sponsored by every opticians in Europe.

Including images and listing the sponsors/supporters of the series was a nice touch and it gave everybody a memento of the day.