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What's a Tourney Forum post?

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Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
It seems there is some question over just what qualifies as a Tournament Forum post, in part, because I've been moving or tossing a larger number of posts than has been the case in the past.
So I'll take this opportunity to explain. Any discussion of a specific event or tournament play in general; rules, personalities, gossip, etc. is all good if the basis of the discussion is tournament play. NOT big games, walk-on days or the like.
A number of posts have fallen in the marginally related to tournament play category: stuff like, Need a player for Sunday, How do I find the field?, Where's the party after? If the post is about an upcoming event and might be helpful to some players I usually leave it until the event takes place.
If it's marginal but doesn't really belong but I think whoever posted it in Tournament wanted the "tournament audience" to see it I'll move it but leave the notice and thread title so anyone visiting the forum will see it and can go to it if they want.
If it has no business whatsoever having been posted in Tournament Forum I'll simply move it.
If you're not sure about a thread you want to post go ahead and post it. Despite appearances to the contrary I'm not a fascist.:D I hope that helps clarify my view.

Disclaimer--the opinions expressed are those of your humble moder8or and should not be taken as the views of either Buddha 3, who, besides being a lazy git :) has other moderating duties or the computer gnomes slaving away in the dark, dank recesses of P8ntballer Central.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Baca Loco
Despite appearances to the contrary I'm not a fascist.:D I
Then stop wearing that German helmet all the time! :D

Baca's right folks. A lot of stuff is posted in the wrong forums, hell I even think a lot of stuff is posted that doesn't belong on any of these forums! (Yes people, we are getting a bit 'hey John, fancy a round at the pub tonight?' again... Use e-mail for that, for chrisakes!!!)
So, yay Baca, for setting things straight. And for revealing the truth about me being lazy, but what do you expect from a backplayer? :D

Peace out!

Buddha 'El Guapo Muy Caliente' 3
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