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  • proto 09 in grey liked m gloves so much lol. invert se in woodland .
    dont know what shell lol but its a standed crown i hope lol
    my misses orderd my stuff from lips . was ment to be pants volocity shell and crown magno valve and rammer and some battle swabs . when she rung me and told me cost i was suprised to find she had spent over 200 lol she had orderd both pants on paper even thow was a note to say or second one if first was not in lol but looks like ill have 2 pairs in steed lol
    nasty coulour hurts my eyes .please change quick before im sick .
    and is chris going as no repley to texts ?.
    also who do you know thats going
    mine doe sas well and have a dye utra light and front for mine to thansk to a shego lol . i think i should get a discount any way as i been there every week since it started . is chris going ? or is he off to tower with ruben ?
    hope your brothers ok and ya i defrosted in the end lol. as far as i can tell be just me parker and ross . dont know if kirbys going says he will with a m8 . and the ul looks same as mine for the pm7 as the pm6 lol
    ya know prob i wont be down next sunday as of to spc for training with bert and parker so will be a quiet one for you
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