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1 vs 2 ?


Whip it out..
Mar 24, 2002
Ellesmere Port
I tend to try and keep them pinned, then while they are in their bunker, i will move bunkers to get better angles on them and hopefully get a good enough angle on 1 to take them out, then pin the last and bunker them.


Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001
never shoot at a position for more then 5 seconds if ur in that situation, cos those 5 seconds u can be mugged.

always check ur angles, and snapshoot,.


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
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When this has happened to me the other team has either tried to pin me down and bunker me or keep me bussy while one player slips around and flankes me.

Once I realize I am in a one on two situation I like to move fast before they have a chance to set up. If they are on different sides of the field you could go Kamokasi and rush the one on your side of the field. I have not had good result with this, so I'm not likely to do it, but a least you may have a chance before they get both guns on you.

My choice is to fire a few shots to get them down and fall back a bunker. They may get you moveing back, but at this point you have to take chances, and if they don't get you falling back then you have more opertunity to fire at them while they move up. Also, if you move all the way to the back then that takes away their flanking move.

My brother got me the last time I tried this though. When I moved he moved, rather than fireing at me. So, when I poped up from behind my new bunker he was behind by old bunker fireing at me.:eek:

So, I guess I can basically sum up what I do with either attack immediatly and try to catch one of them off guard or move back and hope to get a good shot in when they try to move up to get me.

Incidently, If you are in the woods and they aren't both newbies then run. Fall back to good cover and then catch them comming at you.


Back for good
Jul 1, 2002
wha is try and pin both in and then move. Theystill think your in first position (if done well) and you can shoo one without them seeing you, and if one goes to bunker the bunker you were at, i think you get my drift.


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Oct 12, 2001
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Well, if the otehr players are any way decent then you're in the doo doo. All you can try to do is switch sides of your bunker quickly enough to catch one of them moving up on you. If they're using their cover decently then the chances are the only chance you'll have is when one of them makes their bunkering run on you. So switch sides randomly - if you do it regularly either fast or slow then they can pick up on it.

If they aren't up on their shizzy frohizzy then you got a better chance. Basically try to get a bunker between one of them and you then work and angle on the other guy. Once you get on the other guy should be easy. A good thing is to rain paint on ppls bunkers - if it keeps them in longer you can use it to 'secretly' move to a new bunker, thus opening up a can of whupass on them when they try to bunker your vacated position :D

Just a few ideas from a guy whos been in far too many 5 or 4 on 1s.



New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Thanks for all your input... It seems the ideas can be summed up to: "Shoot alot of balls on both sides of the bunker and pray that you will be bunkered where it wont hurt" ;)



New Member
I like it when they move. I can't shoot them out unless they do.
I like it when they are of my skill level or higher, because I know how to time my shots.
Once I was one on two against a rookie team, and I had to yell to them, "Alright! This is how it works. I am one and you are two. You out number me. Come and get it!" I was stupid with the last kid, hanging out to watch my paint hit his hopper, just before his hit my forearm.
I was one on three another time and once I got the guy who was wide right, the two on the left never tried opening things up on me. In fact they stacked up and came right at me. It took a while but I finally shot them out.
The best was one that I lost pretty bad. I was one on 6 and we had already made the semifinals no matter how this game turned out. I was in a lay down "pill" and once I was alone I began shooting from all sides. High-right, low-left, wrapping right, popping over the top, high-left, low-right, and wrapping left. I took 4 with me in that melee, but the best was catching a guy in the open pumping his fist in the air thinking the game was won and seeing 5 pink spots instantly appear all over his chest and head.


team driven black
Apr 23, 2002
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my favorite is if you have one on either side of you instead of franticly covering them both in paint just sit calmy tucked in your bunker and look out just enough so they cant see you but you can see right in front of there bunkers so tat you see when they try and make a move some times they forget your even there others they tense up and try to go up for the bunker but you have them the second they make a move


New Member
Aug 21, 2002
Western Hemisphere
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If they have just eliminated your teamate and I mean in the the last second then move. Try to keep them confused and uncertain of where you are. Always know what they are doing and think of what your next move should be. If you don't end up in a sudden shoot out then there's a good chance they might just try for the flag grab. If he does thats when you can make your first elimination. Then with any skill try to eliminate the second player before he has a chance to react.

If you find that your taking alot of heat from one of the two oppostition then a mugger is probably on the way. Pop up and snapshoot in the muggers direction (not in view of the other opponent).

Also there is nothing more satisfying than watching a guy pop over a empty bunker and get hit in the midst of all his confusion.