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2000+ years old

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Well it depends on how you look at what you are looking at (if that makes sense) , when you see the bible what comes to your mind fables? you have to look deeper into the actual meaning of what is written and again look at fact and where they contradict, remember that there is no doubt that he existed because of his crucifixion being recorded, it just depends on how you should take it, the prophecy was fullfilled to detail (being written over 500 years before him) every action he took was too detail but as everyone has opinion many either doubt or devout there lives to there belief.

But as a guide to life no-one can oppose the way which was tought to live our lives as believe it or not our law and any other country which took too christianity 300+ years ago has adopted the bible as a model way to live, making the foundatiob of modern day law.

Ive had my ramble now im happy :)
Really? His crucifixion was recorded? How? By whom? Where are these records?

There has NEVER been any evidence of Jesus' existence. However, I do believe the man did once roam the planet, but was he the Son of God? Nope... Just a prophet with a succesful following.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
That is a common misconception about the teachings of the bible, Adam and Eve were only a metaphor, it was a story used by Jesus to show how sin was devised by adam eating the fruit of the tree (greed) which was condemned by God, as the snake (representing the devil) told adam how fantastic the fruit would be, and because of this action Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to what was arround them and realised that they were Naked, this is called Original Sin
Wait, what? Adam was duped by the snake?

Strange... In all the Bibles I've ever seen, it was Eve that ate the apple after the snake spoke to her. Not Adam.
Which is why women are made to bleed every month and so many wife beaters exist. :D


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
That is a common misconception about the teachings of the bible, Adam and Eve were only a metaphor, it was a story used by Jesus to show how sin was devised by adam eating the fruit of the tree (greed) which was condemned by God, as the snake (representing the devil) told adam how fantastic the fruit would be, and because of this action Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to what was arround them and realised that they were Naked, this is called Original Sin

Actually my neighbour believes just that..... ie Adam and Eve were created by God and that the population evolved from that. He doesn't believe in evolution at all.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I wouldn't say the number has particularly risen....
Indeed. In fact, mother nature has taken it quite easy on us as of late. Anyone remember the plague? No? Didn't think so. Because if you did, you'd be dead. If something would qualify as the wrath of God, the time of the plague would be a great candidate.

However, if a person with a fresh case of ebola would get on a plane, man...

PS For those who read the Bible, you'd know that God won't "smite" humanity anymore. He developed a case of remorse after the umpteenth airstrike which leveled a city/country/population. It's in the Book. Yep.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Actually my neighbour believes just that..... ie Adam and Eve were created by God and that the population evolved from that. He doesn't believe in evolution at all.
Ask him this then. If the Adam and Eve story is true, how do you explain that even though they had nothing but sons, they managed to populate the world? This would imply that Eve was a dirty b*tch.

After seeing him be uncomfortable for a good few minutes, you can calm his fears by saying that the Bible doesn't say that Adam and Eve were the ONLY people God created, but merely the first. So it could be argued their sons went off to knock up some freshly created baby-momma.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
People used to believe in Ra, and zeus, and all of that stuff. Now we agree it's nonsense. How long is it going to be before we agree all the Jesus guff in nonsense?

I find it quite interesting that as a Christian country we are more inclined to argue about the bible and God, are they relevant and real. Yet we would not give the time of day up for arguing about Brahma and Hindusim. Both religions have a massive following, yet we denounce Hinduism as incorrect without even a thought.

When people stop taking religion as gospel (for want of a better word) and appreciate it as an idea, the world might become a better place.


previously Tomtimus Prime
Aug 9, 2010
No they wouldn't. Societies existed loooooooong before the Bible and long before the invention of punishment in the hereafter. And guess what, these societies functioned.
People aren't afraid of consequences in the afterlife, people fear the consequences that society will come up with.
I probably wasn't being very clear, I wasn’t being Bible specific but mainly religion in general. True that not all religions have a version of hell, but I can’t think of any that don’t have a version of heaven or atonement.. Whether it be carrot or stick, faith encourages many people to follow the particular requirements of their worship.

Obviously societies existed before the bible but very few have existed without some form of worship that governed them, I can not think of any. Even today they find tribes that have never had contact with the outside world…. They all (to my knowledge) have some form or religion or faith, usually centered around there surroundings, existence and resource.

I was also referring to pre-science focused civilisation.

I definitely agree in modern times more people would fear the immediate repercussions than the supposed spiritual.

It would be interesting to see how a society completely void of any form of religion or faith would fair.