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Anybody read....


isle of butts
Nov 10, 2005
Visit site
The original Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy is worth a read if your into anti terrorist SAS style shizzle. (Ding Chavez FTW!)
Awesome ! :D I really enjoyed rainbow6 but have never been able to get into any other Clancy books. Same with Bryson, loved the one about walking the Appalachian Trail but can't get past the 10th page of his others, might try the Thunderbolt kid after exams.

A bit out of the way but I also really liked the Halo game novels, kinda expanded my love of the game :)



The big, bad I SAID NO!!
Sep 14, 2006
The Double Eagle and The Black Sun by James Twining, really good, I was struggling to find some decent books and picked The Double Eagle up by chance, really well written "can't put it down" type books.

Marcus Geezer

Platinum Member
World War Z - Max Brooks

Try 'World War Z' if you've ever enjoyed a Romero film, or like zombies at all.
I have to say this is one of the most amazing books I've read in a while. Read it over Xmas in 5 days, and recently just had to read it again and did it in 4 days. You could almost believe it to be real!

Oh and don't forget to buy the 'The Zombie Survival Guide' also by Max Brooks. It reads like a reference book for urban survival, but for a Zombie outbreak! Also has a history of zombie outbreaks. which is worth buying just to read that.

Oh most things by Terry Pratchett, but must agree the Night Watch books are the best.

If Science Fiction war is your thing, then the Forever War and Forever Free by Joe Haldeman are a must.

For a bit of Gothic Horror, any of the Cthulhu mythos tales are great.

And for some fantasy balls, read any of the Eternal Champion books by Michael Moorcock, especially the Elric series. I believe these are a step above most fantasy balls.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Personal fav reads:

The Diceman - Luke Rhinehart

The first is the best one, and hard not to play with dice afterwards. Had interesting times while travelling after reading this.

Decipher - Stel Pavlou

Very very well written and shows what real literary research can add to a book unlike Dan Brown's tripe.

Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock

Not perfect theories, but interesting viewpoints and stimulates the thought processes.

Round Ireland with a Fridge - Tony Hawks

Not long, can be read in a few hours but a good "turn off brain" read nonetheless.

The Ninja - Eric Van Lustbader

That and The Miko are the best Nichola Linnear novels.

The Eagle Has Landed - Jack Higgins

This was the first book I ever read cover to cover pretty much non-stop. An oldie but a goodie.


Sep 17, 2006
The Eagle Has Landed - Jack Higgins

This was the first book I ever read cover to cover pretty much non-stop. An oldie but a goodie.
Liked the idea of this so just bought a copy off fleabay!
if it's as good as the film i'll be happy:)


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Plus, if you like it old school then you have Day of the Jackel, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or Guns of Navarone.

That era is too often overlooked for pure page-turning entertainment.