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Anyone seen the Joy masters tape?


Jul 7, 2001
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Has anyone seen the Joymasters tape? If all games could be shown on TV like the Joy/Avalanche game I think our sport might just stand a chance in the big-time!!

Even my sister (the one who's not into paintball) was like "WOW!!" when Lasoya pulled off that take down of the three Joy back-guys. I you haven't seen it, I suggest that you do....now....



Jul 7, 2001
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Also an excellent vid, very artsy though.....

However, the avalanche/joy game must be the first time I've ever seen a whole game on video which is actually shot well. usually you can't see what's going on, and it's all too close up. People could learn from this video.


Honk! Parp! Toot!
Oct 12, 2001
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One of the curses for me is although I work for a huge tv post production house, they wont let me borrow any camera equipment (or crew) to try and do a paintballing video despite the fact that a few people who work here are regular P'ballers. Damn annoying really, got access to loads of flashy equipment.. but no cameras :(

Still, maybe if this Soho post league starts up they'll re-consider.

I think I'll have to track a copy of this video down & show it to the powers that be, maybe, just maybe they'll let me loose.

what video are you talking about.

If you mean the one from last years joy masters (2000) then don't get all hyped over nothing.

The game between avalanche & joy was staged - the moves planned and they had all the cameras available for the whole tournament at that one game.

It is a good example of what "could" be done with the correct number of cameras - but it would take a hell of a lot of cameras on each field to give the results you see in the Avalanche game.

Sorry to bust any ones bubble, about the game but Joy also isn't that bad.


P.S. a dead giveaway was the number of people diving into the snake - from what I remember there where 3 different guys more or less one after the other with no one shooting at them. And also notice that the cameras where in the perfect position.


eXtreme macca
Oct 23, 2001
Suffolk, UK
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that game was staged???

i have and love that video. but it sucks that the last game was staged, even tho it was good to watch. one thing they could have had would be to have a marshall follow each play and give each marshall a hand-held video camera so you can get the view from the proper camera men and get some good marshall shots. just a poorly thought thru idea.


Jul 7, 2001
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Are you sure? It all looked real to me.... no one's saying Joy aren't good, I think there are plenty of us here who have witnessed Avalanche perform equally breathtaking take downs of other top pro teams.

The whole reason the camera shots were looking directly at the right place was purely down to the number of cameras, there must have atleast 5 cameras following that game. Four cameras were used just on the Lasoya bit!

Anyway, this is besides the point. I suppose the game was that exciting mainly because of the fact it was a friendly game. More risks and flamboyancy tend to surface in non-competitive matches. However, saying that, the other games, such as th Rush-hour games, were pretty kool too....

OK, I've had enough rambling...maybe Magued would care to take stand on this one?
