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AS & A Level Results


$outh $ide
Sep 24, 2005
Probably Licking AL France...
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Critical Thinking got you into uni? are you serious? What uni do you go to? :| lol. I thought it was a joke subject like General Studies. We had the option to do Critical Thinking in one of our lunch hours during the week, didnt fancy the idea of that lol

I cant believe General studies is compulsory at my college, Universities dont even look at it, and we have to take 4 other A Level subjects when offers are based on 3 grades. My friend spoke to the admissions officer @ Cambridge and even he said that there is no benefit in taking more than 3 A level subjects whatsoever.


Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2006
its by no means a joke subject, unis accept it as a full A level, giving it full points...and for a subject that took up only 1 hour a week i think it was quite worthwhile for the extra 60 points it got me.

going to northumbria uni


Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2006
I think there is if you want to be a Doctor/Surgeon/Vet kinda area.
guy at my college just came out with 5 A's and a B, i think he actually had uni's coming to him rather than the other way round, so seems it can be usefull sometimes :p