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Balls Out Promotions/CPPS 2011 charity work, but we dont like to talk about it.


The legend limps on
Nov 18, 2002
Living on the edge, often bouncing on a ledge
At this years events we are hopefully going to be running a series of saturday based activities to help raise funds for a variety of charities we have chossen to support.

In some way they are all linked closely to us by our regular players at the site or through something that has hapened directly that has effected one of us and our life.

I know in the current climate many of you will say charity begins at home but all we ask is a small contribution if your at events as donations, or be a vlounteer in one of the many activities we will be doing.

Here is the list and the plans below:

Rd 2. Red Cross appeal for Japanese Tsunami disaster http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.redcross.org.uk/Donate-Now/Make-a-single-donation/Japan-Tsunami-Appeal&h=f0784

We will be hosting a 1 vs 1 competion saturday afternoon from 15.00 - 17.30 ish.
Cost is £2 per player, all proceeds go to charity. Prize to be announced.

We will also have a charity waxing (torture bed!!) held in the afternoon where we have several volunteers who will be allowing Ayuko and Maz to quite literally tear a strip off!!

I have volunteeres for this, and have agreed if we can raise £1000 in sponsorship pledges for this that i will allow them to wax everything.....not a pretty sight but im sure some of you evil, sadistic buggers will enjoy seeing me scream like a little girl!!

More info on this, and our other activities and different charities will be announced shortly.
