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Best Pods out there


Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2007
down under
been reading pbreview and geting mixed answers based on preference
so far dye lock lids were my favoured choice but ive read about problems when used with ejection harnesses like nxe's and duff lids, whats your experieces like or have you got a better pod to suggest.
mate just but the ones that hold paint? locklids are annoying in my oppinion,so i use chronic pods!


I'm a country member!

in that order
Jack, what is the difference between Fat Boys and Draxxus pots (other than the branding on them)?

TBH I'll use any pot you throw at me, though from choice I use Loclids as I like the extra capacity and the latch.

If you put them in your pack so that your thumb naturally sits on the latch when you draw them out then they are no trouble to open - a couple of moments of care saves a lot of fumbling about on the field.

Though, I have had a couple burst open on we due to lucky lucky shots in the latch when they have been carried in the loops. There is no greater indignity than being shot in the pack and loosing all your paint in one go :mad:

Funnily enough, the packs I have had the most trouble ejecting them from were Dye ones, NXe FTW.

Scotty J M

UK Asylum Div 1 CPPS
Mar 10, 2008
lol i think he had his mind set on what he was going to get when he started this thread because just about everyone said proto or fatboy pods! hehe made me chuckle!