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Big game 2009

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
N.Wales - Wrexham
./sigh not another southern shandy drinker....

I'd edit your post and take out the Text speak before Gassy (or another moderator) stumbles across the thread and see's it, your new so its ok im sure they will allow you to get away with this one :rolleyes: welcome to the boat of love!
Right, thats it, thats why we lost!

while those southerners were drinking their shandies we were necking pints so we were obviously to hungover to play! lol


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
dan are they all of the south as i played for the north, one of your guys took a sweet action shot of me and also you took a picture of me and my mates on saturday night just wondering how the hell i find 2 in 1000's xD

EDIT: DAMN you dave you got in there before me xD Remember the one of me and you at the first fight where i was kneeling and you was shooting over my shoulder? that will be an awesome pic


Mar 4, 2005
dan are they all of the south as i played for the north, one of your guys took a sweet action shot of me and also you took a picture of me and my mates on saturday night just wondering how the hell i find 2 in 1000's xD

EDIT: DAMN you dave you got in there before me xD Remember the one of me and you at the first fight where i was kneeling and you was shooting over my shoulder? that will be an awesome pic
no they are a mixture, sat pic will be done once i've censored them for under 18's

remember more pics to come from my other 2 togs


clean, play on!!!!
Jan 4, 2006
dan are they all of the south as i played for the north, one of your guys took a sweet action shot of me and also you took a picture of me and my mates on saturday night just wondering how the hell i find 2 in 1000's xD

EDIT: DAMN you dave you got in there before me xD Remember the one of me and you at the first fight where i was kneeling and you was shooting over my shoulder? that will be an awesome pic
LMAO :) yeah that will be a good pic :)...thank god my cocker jammed just as you moved your head in front of me though!! LOL


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
LMAO :) yeah that will be a good pic :)...thank god my cocker jammed just as you moved your head in front of me though!! LOL
thank god for then, didnt jam when you got shot in the head though and accidently pulled the trigger and shot me in the ribs from about a foot away:eek:


I love lamp
Sep 19, 2005
Hijacking Balf's datas
no they are a mixture, sat pic will be done once i've censored them for under 18's
Awww spoil sport :rolleyes: ;)

Marshalled this again this year, the site was massive, impressive though. was there from Friday night till late Sunday, put several names to faces and met some old faces :)

Very long day for me, I'm still trying to catch up on sleep even now, but even so worth it for some of the paintball that I saw. as mentioned previous, there was a equal amount of cheating from both sides, anyone I caught wiping or blatant cheating, I did my best to pull arm bands, but after all, there was only a few of us compared to players, so we couldn't be everywhere, although it felt like I walked the entire site several time's over.

strippers, paintball and beer, what more could you want?
My exact thoughts too :)

Cook$ and his "AAaaaahhhhhwwwwwwwwoooooooo" during the South morning speech, Myself and the marshall stood the other side of cook$ (sorry forget your name buddy) howling with laughter. :D

I hope the guy who broke his leg during the game has a speedy recovery, same to the guy who came second in a fight against a wall :)

Dan, I'll have a chat with you on msn about a few pictures after I've had a mooch through them all :)



Monkey Bhoy
Apr 8, 2007
Have to say i thought all the marshalls done a great job, Can't be easy keeping an eye on so many players. We even had one walking with us for about 10 minutes. Never got his name tho :( i know he was the guy feeding Lizard the paintballs in the competition. Met a few really nice ppl and hope to shoot with you all again at next years game.


Automag yeah baby yeah!
Oct 7, 2005
Ok my turn

Good points
1.Winning the paintball eating competition
2.Getting a fantastic lap dance from two lovely strippers
3.A great days play killing southerners
4.Playing with some great people
5.Meating up with old friends and making new ones
6.Al for beaing the greatest general ever

Bad points
1.Play area a bit too big(sore ankle)
2.The toilets being too far from the staging area

Other than that everything went great.As for points other people made like the smoke grenade almost setting fire to a tent if i wasnt quicker the tent would have it was one of my mates tents.

All in all a super weekend Warped did a great job marshals did a super job and so did H-Pac.Cant wait till next year the North will be victorious.