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Black Ops - My Opinion.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Only got it yesterday... Really disappointed when compared to previous versions.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2009
Multiplayer :
laggy, even connecting to 30ms ping servers)
Weapons, inaccurate as sin
Maps, buggy, you can't shoot a player behind wooden railings.....
takes a clip to put anyone down, got hardcore now so that is better
Poor models, players move in a strange fashion


May be about half way through and I am tired of the very linear style and that you are always following someone......

I think if it cost about £20 I would not have minded it being such an unpolished game but as it stands I'll play it for a few weeks then leave it be.

Return to COD4 me thinks :)



Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Multiplayer :
laggy, even connecting to 30ms ping servers)
Weapons, inaccurate as sin
Maps, buggy, you can't shoot a player behind wooden railings.....
takes a clip to put anyone down, got hardcore now so that is better
Poor models, players move in a strange fashion


May be about half way through and I am tired of the very linear style and that you are always following someone......

I think if it cost about £20 I would not have minded it being such an unpolished game but as it stands I'll play it for a few weeks then leave it be.

Return to COD4 me thinks :)



'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
I recently bought a new 360 again solely to have a dabble on the new medal of honour 'tier 1' special edition aswell as Black ops and MW2 ( I got rid of my last 360 after kickin the ass out of modern warefare :cool:).

First up I sessioned Modern warefare 2. Gotta admit I really enjoyed that one although the ending in the story mode annoyed me a bit. Talk about leaving it wide open for the next one (or so I thought:tsk:). It certainly got me looking forward to black ops initially as I thought it would pick up where MW2 story left off.
Then I sessioned the new medal of honour and althogh cool, I felt it was a bit 'same old, same old'. Especially after coming straight off MW2. Anyways I completed it in less than a day and its now sat gathering dust (Up for sale if anyone wants to grab a bargain;)).

I then got Black ops on the go, the day after release and I gotta say that at first glance I was a tad dissapointed with it. I couldnt get on live for a while so had a bash at the story mode which doesnt carry on from MW2 as I initially expected (peed me off somewhat!!). The story mode is pretty much the same as all the other shoot em ups with nothing much new or exciting in it really. I did enjoy the vietnam section but for £40 If I didnt have xbox live I would have been a tad pi$$ed off.
I then had a bash at playing online :) Good fun to play and all the new weapons etc are pretty cool (gotta love the ballistic knifes:D) but I think that MW2 is much better IMHO.
So out of the three games I think Im gonna resort to playing MW2 online, sell on medal of honour and complete Black ops story mode and do the same with that. Black ops = Nothing special in my opinion.


P.S drop me a p.m if you want to buy Medal of honour tier 1:D


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
love black ops but i still personally think COD4 is the best. Does take alot of bullets to kill on black ops, havent had any server problems on xbox though :)


Jul 1, 2010
Played all the Call of duty's from PS2 and PS3, and have got to say Black OPS is brilliant, i think the whole customization of your player and call sign is brilliant but not so keen on the whole buying your perks and attachments, so prefer MW2 which made you look forward to leveling up, the graphics and gameplay brilliant, although the campaign sorta reminded me of FEAR 2 with the whole messed up head storyline, treyarch have done better than i was expecting, yeh the whole magazine to bring down a player is pain in the arse but overall a good game


Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001
battlefield vietnam ????? OMFG !"!!!!!!!! i shot my xbox last week and got rid of my tv as i havent played on it since febuary , but i miss BFBC2 big time, and now theres going to be a vietnam one out !! bugger