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Bone Pack Query

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
Thankyou to all of the above :)

Anyone who cannot sort themselves; please post the adapter back to myself in a first class envelope; and I shall re-solder properly and then glue the top back on so there is no risk of them opening it up and fiddling... etc.

I shall be at the masters this weekend, and will try to have as many spare ones there as possible in the hope that I can just trade them for the ones you currently have.

If you still having problems with it, after doing the re-wire; then please e-mail me again, I shall give you the return address (postage was around £2), and if you whip the lot off back to myself, I will investigate or give you a replacement...

End of the day, if I have faulty parts, I can sort out replacements; if you can fix, then that's all well and good, though I would recommend you do send it to me so that I can solder them back in properly!

Thankyou to everyone who has helped in here, and to all for their patience. Any problems, and you do all already have my e-mail address (still no response from Matt at Dueydog by the way :mad:)

edit: forgot to mention, all postage will be refunded :)
wont be on till thursday now as am going away but i will drop you an email or something cos i switched it round exactly like shining glory did and its still refusing to be nice.:(

cheer fish


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
got my bone this morning, had the same issue as all the others.

Just Pressed the two tabs on the connector rods, pull it out, swapped sides and all is working fine and charging as we speak.

Happy as larry :)



Feb 20, 2006
problem, the charger i tested lastnight is charging fine this morning, now on trickle charge.
The second charger however is fubar, no lights no charge, nothing.

Fish, will let Gerry take it to the masters for you.


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
Don't know if mine works yet. Need to get an American adapter thingy.

If I get one of these, will it work?
You shouldnt really need one, if your nice and patient, you can flip the wires over on the one with the pack.

Simply get something like tweezers, and push the two little clips in on the two rods inside the connector, pull them out, flip over and push back in, and your set
