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Boxing Day @ NSPA


The Mouth
Whatever the weather?

Whatever you may have asked Santa for Xmas, this is one thing you're guaranteed to get. Rain, hail or snow NSPA are going ahead with the 28th! Need to sort out some minor points yet, but we will keep you all informed! As the NSPA team have already said, we're hoping this will become a fun annual event.

For the Class of NSPA Paintballers of 2007:
"If I can give you one word of advice! Wear Sunscreen!
As for everything else that will go on through the day I have no control over, just be prepared for a little bit of fun.............., well maybe a whole load of fun! I've heard rumours, so becareful, be aware, be vigilant, be smiley, but under no circumstances be serious, you've been warned,
but trust me on the Sunscreen!"

Daz :eek: (****, always wanted to say that!) lol

I can't shoot straight

Living Life to the Max! I think :P
Mar 14, 2005
I think you will all get the mods going we have a forum now;)


p.s. I know your going for that 1000 post count sid:rolleyes:

p.p.s Sid can't read this it's to small hehe