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Campaign Cup Gun Rules

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
Hi Scutty

Principally I agree.... HOWEVER..... the MS does NOT have a forum (on- or offline) for debating this stuff, and as such the only place it can be discussed, is at the captains meetings.

Imagine a serious safety concern is raised at the captains meeting.... would you guys just shrug it off for that event, and say "send an email" ???

Another example is the Maxs Masters, where numerous captains at the captains meeting raised the concern that the new "hand on the head" rule would create a lot of unfair 141s... the answer was "send an email".... and it resulted in an event where numerous 141s were called in an manner that everyone agreed was completely stupid.... and after the event the rule was changed to exactly what the captains called for at the meeting.

Can you not conceed that the WISE descision would have been to listen to the captains of the league, and implement the changes then and there, instead of going through an entire event without it?

I believe it WOULD be best if the MS had a forum for discussing rules changes ahead of their implementation, but barring that, there is most definitely a need for the captains of the league to be able to demand - and get - changes at the captains meeting.

- Paying customers - remember ? ;)



Shaolin Monk
May 25, 2004
Visit site
Yeah the MS needs to remember the PAYING CUSTOMER bit.

we all pay up to 1200 euros to play an event and i dont know if anyone else had this problem but like dam we could'nt even get a table to set up on as there were'nt enough provided.

where does all the money go?

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Sorry for bringing up an old thread but could somebody clarify, what, exactly, are the marker ROF/ramping rules for Campaign Cup (e.g. the ones that were brought in at Paris?_

Our team would like to ensure we are compliant but can't find exactly what the rule is?

Mike (Exodus)

Where's me cheese?
Nov 9, 2001
The last thing they said was it would be the same as Paris - Ramping allowed, can't start below 8bps and must be capped at 15bs. The idea is that there's no more than one extra shot after the last trigger pull.