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Campaign Cup Gun Rules

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
I am trying to talk British. Thats what you guys call it, right 'mate'? A 'quid'?
I also like the term 'bobby-cops'. Thats hilarious.

I do fear you are dragging this off topic though....

....and have you ever been to Harlem? If you had, you would know that no 'cool kids' live there. The 'cool kids' live in Hoboken, or Manhattan, and I saw a cool kid in Queens once, but definitely not Harlem, thats for damn sure.

if anyone watches 'Dance 360', please look out for me tonight. I am going to the show. I hope to be picked and to be able to shake my thing in the three-six-oh - Harlem style.

tag your man, tag your man, tag your man!
head to head, head to head, head to head!

check it!

Red Ring Inflictor

New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Milky Way
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Originally posted by Missy Q
I am trying to talk British.....if anyone watches 'Dance 360', please look out for me tonight. I am going to the show. I hope to be picked and to be able to shake my thing in the three-six-oh - Harlem style.
Wouldn't miss seeing ya shake yo fanny! Cause you've got a mighty lot of fanny to shake? Right, dudette?:D ;)


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
You're getting there on the talking British Missy, not far to go now. Kudos on using British petrol prices too ;) :D

Anyways, back on topic.

I reckon it'll be business as usual ith regards to markers.

ie anything goes, prove it was going over 15bps judge! What, that little box says I was? show me the calibration certificate and the datasheet that proves it's not affected by background noise...

Then again, what would I know. :D

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
its all going ON down in the three-six-oh, Missy Q be bustin out some SERIOUS moves later!
I do the wiggle, the shake, the quake, the wave, and thats just walking to the show!

I am gong to take that $360 bucks and the X-box home tonight. You think I'm playing? Thats MY prize, and those fools gonna know it. I will OWN the circle of dance.
Look for me, support me. I will be the chick in the cut-off denim jump-suit. I know it ain't fashionable, but I can bust moves in it without giving myself any more black-eyes. Those jive-ass punks ain't gonna know what hit 'em, you dig?

Red Ring Inflictor

New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Milky Way
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Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
...prove it was going over 15bps judge! What, that little box says I was? show me the calibration certificate and the datasheet that proves it's not affected by background noise...
"Prove to me that I wiped, ref! And show me a doctor's certificate that you can see and hear!"

BTW, What is petrol?


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
petrol - gas i think u call it

an fanny means something entirely different over here an it dont mean butt. personally if your coming over here i wouldnt use that word to a brit

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
Flash, yours is an interesting point about the certificate type stuff. You are now of the opinion that refs have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that your gun is cheating otherwise you don't get any penalties.
Interesting perspective, and one that a lot of players have adopted since the NPPL robot and PAC timers came along.
However, I foresee a shift in the power given to refs, and I see it coming very soon. Players will be able to bitch about it all they want, but if that gun is clearly cheating, you are getting pulled. There are 2 new systems being adopted by the NPPL which will leave the pansy-ass 'prove-it' cheats crying into thier milk.

Prove you are not cheating! Thats the Refs' line for 06.
You heard it here first. Any doubters can bet me money, but no small change, lets make it interesting...

"show me the calibration certificate and datasheet!!" - Cracks me up!
"yeah, where did I put that? By the way, you just got a 1-4-1, you cheating scumbag!"


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Missy - I do hope you're right.

Its about time the rules were such that if you give a ref any $hit, you get pulled/1-4-1's etc.

Of course, getting refs with the balsl to make those calls is another matter.

I can't think of any other activity on the planet where there is such blatant disregard for the refs word (football is heading that way (or soccer as you septics woudl call it ;) ), but there isn't anything else even approaching the level of disrespect that paintballers give their refs.

Take a look at rugby (like american football, but without the wussy padding). Two large teams of blokes who would probably make Missy look petite, and one ref, usually about 5 foot nothing, weighs 2 stone wet through, and when he says jump, they ask "How high, Mr Referee Sir?"

Then again, the day paintballers respect the refs is the day hell freezes over. After all, they'r eonly other teams doing it for series points/a tiny bit of cash/a little bit of kudos for reffing. ;)