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Campaign Cup Gun Rules

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
just a quick query as ive never played a millenium series event before.

Rule 11.01 states that no 2 shots may be timed closer than 65ms.

i was planning on using a team mates timmy which is uncapped semi only. does the rule apply to me shooting the marker as i can only hit a max of 14bps with it or a computer calculating it as its been known to be shot at 18bps by other people?

any help would be greatly appreciated as I dont want to really get banned at my first event :)

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
technically then can ban whatever they want. This 'having to catch me' thing is a player founded idio that will soon be very much in question. If you can't prove you were legal, you were illegal. Kind of a 'guilty until proven innocent' thing. It requires Sack, and so will definitely not happen in the MS, but I for one like the idea a lot.
Who knows, maybe the NPPL could do it first and then the MS could introduce it once there is a precedent (and then claim it was thir idea and call it something slightly different....)


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
So ramping is to be allowed?
Weird that manafacturers back track on statements about legality in the UK of ramping markers.

UKPSF are against em, the manafacturers seem unsure yet we still take the risk.
Lets just hope everyone has insurance to cover themselves in the event of an injury as from what I know, insurance companies in the UK are unsure if they would pay out from a rampin incident, and the UKPSF have asked all sites to NOT allow rampin markers anywhere near.

Would it be possible to see a copy of the events insurance covering players in the event of an injury from a ramping marker?

Why take the risk, 15bps semi only is just as easy and possibly the more wanted choice of players.

Well I for 1 wont take the rampin risk with the Apoc boys and we will be shootin semi only. We gonna have a no win no fee solicitor booth in the trade area? ;)


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Originally posted by Ben Frain
Can't imagine you'd get an Angel through on mode3 for example...?
Just out of intrest, what angel mode are you gonna be using? I've got the latest Fly software on mine and the most legal i could find was mode1 with the cap set to 15bps, cos at least then i can turn the eye off if i need to. Don't get any sort of ramping in this mode though...


Mar 15, 2003
Well done scutty..

lets keep the ramping mode, its by far the best mode we have used in the uk to date.........and more to the point if the rest of the world have access to it we must keep it to be able to compete..


Originally posted by DYE HARD
Well done scutty..

lets keep the ramping mode, its by far the best mode we have used in the uk to date.........and more to the point if the rest of the world have access to it we must keep it to be able to compete..
i don't know you or anything but based on that sentence i'm gonna guess this just out of the blue:
You can probably shoot 10bps right handed and about 5bps with your left.....:rolleyes:

am i right? because that's normally the people that like ramping. either them or the paint manufacturers and you don't seem like one of those...

I find it funny how people discard all safety issues simply so that they can finally shoot fast instead of putting some practice into it...:(

and just a small correction, no actualy the rest of the world don't have acess to it...NPPL uses pure semi and all this is doing is widening the skill gap between Europe and the US because all that ramping does, besides increasing paint consumption is make for more static games, all of this while the US teams are getting more and more agressive, and since the millenium is still really dependant on paint sponsors and alot of the legs are organized by peopel who own/didtribute paint, then it seems obvious that they will want ramping, because ramping = mora paint consumption which in turn = more $ for them, why wouldn't they want ramping?

Are you people really waiting for something bad to happen like someone dying because of 20+ shots to the back of the head to stop ramping or are you all gonna worship it simply because it allows you to bypass alot of training that would have to go into shooting fast or shooting left handed etc...


Mar 15, 2003
your funny bunkerkidz...

i can probably shoot better than you with either hand so dont start on that one and faster come to that.....

get out of the dark ages and move with the times!!!!!!


you sound like BS if you really did shoot fast then why would you want ramping...

Put it like this, like Robbo once said, in boxing only X% of the people can hit really really hard, and suppose that they came up with some gizmo that allowed everyone to have what some people achieved by practicing really hard...then i think that all the people who couldn't hit hard would love to be able to, and the people who had spent countless hours training wouldn't want it, why would someone who trained hard for something (In this case a huge advantage, hitting hard in boxing and shooting fast in paintball) it is sometihng that increases your chances of winning why would you want other people to have acess to it if you really do shoot as fast as you say you can shoot? that's the reason that i don't think you can shoot that fast...

and furthermore the decision to allow ramping in the millenium series is somewhat hipocritical as the main reason appointed to allow ramping was to control gun cheats and to assure the security of the players, and what measures do they take towards this?
They allow people to basicly have "cheating guns" so to control cheating instead of everyone having straight semi and some people that they couldn't catch having gun cheats they allow everyone to have gun cheats! whoo hoo! way to go!
And furthermore now that they have allowed everyone to have cheating guns, they can't even control them! because before you could tell a ramping/full auto gun out of a croud of semi markers...now i'm afraid you can't tell if someone is shooting full-auto because all markers sound full auto...
i've had people i know play with 20+ bps ramping in their guns straight up, no hidden modes or anything...and he played like that all tournament long so if they can't even detect the simplest little thing how can they hope to find the "real" gun cheats like hidden modes velocity/dwell ramps etc... ?

As i have said before ramping is simply a way for paint manufactorers to make more money, and it is hidden behind an array of bogus excuses like stopping cheats and the security of players....:(