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Campaign Cup


Jul 7, 2001
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Size does matter...


I agree the venue was great, the player’s area was pure luxury and the air station was well located and I never really saw the usual queues building up.

That said, I too was disappointed to see the size of the fields. Does anyone know the actual dimensions of the fields at Campaign?

The Rulebook states “Seven player fields shall be between 150 to 240 feet wide and 200 to 350 feet long.” Surely the fields met this requirement or it couldn’t be billed as a Millennium event?

Justin (Thunder)


New Member
Jul 17, 2001
Buckingham Palace
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size isnt everything

as a straight on a track is 100 metres which is around 350 feet
I would guess the fields were around 185 long allowing for the bend in the track and a lot less wide
As for the astro fields take your own guess
i had no real problems with the fieds other than the Angel that was a little cluttered with bunkers, I thought Magued had some very good fields in Stockhollm that lended there play to very exiting and even games Semis and finals

Is size everything?

My first thoughts on walking the fields were how small they were, I wasn't sure which way the astro turf fields were playing for a while they were so square! But after playing every field I thought they produced some great agressive paintball. If you moved well then you owned the field, if you sat back and didn't move you got punished. I was very wary of the double snake field and cant understand why it was soooo much shorter than the Angel field next to it and had my fears realised when I got taken on the break in the semis. However we did lose players occasionally on the break but only those doing very long agressive breaks.

I thought the Angel field was better than Stockholm, much easier to move on and make decisive moves on - maybe it didn't suit your style of play Nick? You guys seemed to be doing OK on those fields in general though.

Niall - deffinatley two thumbs fresh from me!



Jul 7, 2001
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Size isn't everything but the rules are!!!

Personally I enjoyed the fields at Campaign. My point was the size requirements are laid down in the Millennium rules, maybe it’s an argument to drop the requirement.

Either way I can see why some teams may have been disappointed to discover the size of the fields at Campaign.

If teams turned up and didn’t play as the fields didn’t meet the Millennium Rules (and I’m not saying they didn’t cause I didn’t measure them) then yeah I guess they should get their money back.

The only field I really didn’t like was the V-Force field, guess that’s why we played it three times in the prelim’s.:mad:

Justin (Thunder)


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
I enjoyed playing the tournament and believe Niall (and his crew) deserves all the props in the world for the effort they put in to make this event as big as it was.

There were very few things that could be classed as negative but they are worth noting (and they are very minor compared to the pluses):

1) I am not getting into a rule thing as I dont have the measurements of the fields, but I felt the small fields did tip the balance more towards luck that it needed to be. I think everyone understand the need for the fields and I hope it doesn't stop us playing in a stadium like that again but I think we could have been warned, that's all. But there is no way in hell we wouldn't have played the event :D. Perhaps field design could be used to even out the balance more.

2) the chronoing procedure could have been abused, although I can't say I felt it was, but better precautions would have been nice. Chrono, get armbanded then wait in holding "pen" or something. Not a criticsm of Campaign as such though as Toulouse was also pretty trusting.

3) Would have been nice to have a bit more directions/billboard around the site from the entrance off the main road. Marking car parks etc

4) I still don't know how the seeding system works (but that's nothing to do with the Cup itself!)

On the plus though I think it was a great step forward for the sport and long may it continue.

1) the stadium venue was so cool to be able to hang out if you weren't playing and watch the fields

2) the bar (and position of)

3) the players area, undercover, hard standing, warm :D

4) the organisation of teams / infomation about fields etc - superb

5) the hard work and dedication of the Campaign staff, many a time did you see poeple legging it round the track with batteries etc.

6) just about everything else.

Ony other comments are related to the marshalling.

1) I hardly saw any fields take advantage of the towers for the ultimates.

2) I still feel marshalls should all have radios, quite a few times did I see mashalls run the length of a field to make a call and radios would make their lives soo much easier!

All in all a great start - well done and thanks to everyone involved.


MMMMmmmmmmm new MATRIX
Jul 9, 2001
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On one of our games the netting between the diablo feild and the planet feild did lift up and i took 2 shot from the other feild the marshal was on me wipeing them off allmost before i new i had been hit after that we were asked what coulor paint we were useing before most of our games to help the marshals make the right calls.
Big thumbs up for the hole thing. :cool:


Jul 17, 2001
I thought it was great - would of been better if the other stand was netted off aswell tho to see the other 2 fields, and I don't know why, but I just didn't like the way the trade stands were layed out.

After sleep deprevation and lack of upper body excersize, I can sit back and watch the games again on video :)

If you read my posting I said that I thought you guys were doing ok in the games I watched you play, hardly a big insult. I said to a couple of teams on Thursday that I thought the smaller fields would really suit their particular style of play as they are all out aggressive teams - this isn't a dig at the A's, lots of different teams play paintball in different ways and you have just said that you used to play deffensive paintball and are changing to a more agressive style - other people have noticed that too and I can hardly be attacked for commenting on it!!

Chill Nick, we're not all out to have a go at you!! well, not all the time anyway!! ;)


Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Touched a nerve Scutty!!!

I thought that the fields disadvantaged no one.

It seems that anyone criticising the fields seemed to think that they got the small end and the oppo got a great big end!!!!

The fields were the same for both teams - adapt or die!!!!

And yes i think the AA's are playing a great game at the moment (after a bit of Rusher love in Sweden!!!)

See y'all in Germany
