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can any1 tell me about walk-ons


New Member
Feb 5, 2002
aberdeen , scotland
Visit site
does anyone know about any upcoming walk on days that a 13 year old could enter(ill be 14 on the 2nd of march). do you know about any walk ons coming up soon in the aberdeenshire area of scotland (out of that area too). can you write back with a list of walk ons for my age group in scotland(p.s. i dont have a team) thanx for reading this, bye, written by ford yule


Mother, is that you?
Hi Ford,

Sorry mate i don't have an answer for you - there's a geezer called Sid on the board (Cameronians), try and dig him out and email him. He's been in the game for ages and he seems a good bloke. He's round your neck of the woods.

Just for my own research though, how did you hear about this site?

Good luck, bud.


Shootin’ fools shootin’ fools
Oct 8, 2001
wolverhampton, UK
hi bud,
I was bored so i done a quick search and came up with these places,i dunno if these places do walk-ons but i guess they're worth a try.

Skirmish Paintball(01330 811414) www.skirmish.org/aberdeen.html


bedlam paintball games(07000 233526)(it said aberdeen on the net)

you poss know of these places anyway,i'm a bit too far south to go there and try 'em. so i don't know what kind of balling they do(reg punter stuff or walk-on)or what ages they cater for,or how good they are for that matter, but it's worth a try.
if you go to www.google.com and search for scotland+paintball(or vice versa) it will come up with more sites, but my geographical knowledge of scotland is frankly pants so i haven't a clue which sites would be nearest to you.
i hope this helps and sorry if i've fed you any info that you already know.
