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Championship Paintball 09 your views?

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
NPPL/Millennium Championship Paintball is not a GHTP product or upgrade
As far as I am aware GH left Activision for another gaming house
and his new game is still in its pre-release stage.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
In my experience GHTP and maxd beat this title.
Hiowever they dont run great on a 360. If you have an old xbrick, your laughing.

Although its not the same developer, the publisher is the same, Activision. and the game feels remarkably similar. It has most of the same features, such as the field creator and breakout manager, so nothing new there.

However, it lacks split screen multiplayer, a MASSIVE omission.
the graphics are NOT a step up.

As well as many many more issues, such as non customisable controls, inability to change the gamma/brightness - so this made some fields unplayable for me unless messing with my TV. Theres a host of issues with the game. Incomplete Xbox LIVE support means your party gets disbanded after each match which is just stupid.

Its needs about a 1gig download update I feel.
Sold unfinished to me.It even crashed my system a couple of times when my wireless handset disconnected due to battery depletion.

Edit - just wanted to add to this rant.

dont get me started on the LUDICROUS career progression. So you start with a decent bob long gun. but then are later rewared with things like JT Excellerators and Ions. And you have access to a Magadrive loader, but later get the dubious rewards of a VL200, and a dynasty vlocity - which is then "superceded" by a regular vlocity! Obviously no thought was put into this.

the inability to create your own team name was pretty dumb I feel.

the way the paint shoots out the barrel its at about a 20 degree angle and just looks crap. minor point but it was gay. also the bolts dont move on the guns. I figure by now we can have animated markers its 2009 ffs. again minor but worth saying

dont even get me started on the **** **** **** artificial intelligence.
most games on any difficiluty you can simply burn down the tape shoot 4 guys and win the game (your AI doing the rest) or has been pointed out in Millenim series just run to the buzzer. Ive seen the same breakout by the AI multiple times, even some stuff as stupid as sending 6 men to the snake (not a joke).

I really feel this is a cash in on the paintball community on the back of the well earned success of greg hastings.

One last thing - when you point out poisitions on the field, it rarely gives the correct bunker name, and the voice commands issued are like some kinda SAS training drill "Enemy front and centre" etc sounds very military which doesnt fit with the theme of the game.

So, Ians quick capsule review: Piece of ****.


Peanut butter jelly time
Feb 20, 2008
Sunny Blackburn
I bought it at the start of the week. found it really easy until pro? Not that impressed with the game play but did quite enjoy it. Found the creator best as you can customise the pitch lay out then look for best lanes etc... may be useful the week before big comps when you know layouts and the weather is ****e?

Duncan Berry

London Tigers 2
May 27, 2008
i think the only real use this game is as tool for field walking in the comfort of your own home.

simply build the up coming field and walk the crap out of it


Feb 18, 2004
Sleeping in Bracknell.
I agree with most if not all that has been posted, am playing on Semi Pro just so I don't complete the game on it's hardest setting within a week of purchase.

Playing is simular to GHTP Maxed but controls are not as natural, don't like the way the gun is positioned and moved whilst snapping.

Really do not like the way the paint leaves the barrell at and angle and the markers are really inacurate.

The on-line stuff is just annoying with limited gear and getting kicked out after each match.

HOWEVER I haved just played the Malaga event and guess what, it LOOKED like Malaga.

The hotels and castle were in the right places, as were the trade stands and the bleechers.

Overall a fair game but was hoping for much much more.

Laters :)