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Common Moronics


Super5ives 2010 Champions
Why on earth did they need to spend we the tax payers money on not one but two posts, and why on earth did they feel the need to put a NATIONAL SPEED LIMIT sign on the back of the 30s when you'd be lucky to get any car other than a WRC Subaru up to 20 MPH before you got to the end of it?
If it isn't spent by the end of the year it doesn't get carried over? So Mr Sign man decided to find somewhere to spend his left over pounds?

Personally I'd complain, the road is a state, when was the last time a sweeper was up there?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Not another spelling thread........
The spelling threads are usualy some of my favourite ones....

Especially when the guy that can't spell is a bit if a thug. Those are my all-time faves. It's amazing what spelling errors a 'thug-life' can create when properly provoked...


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I got no prob guys.

I just find it tedious that after a badly spelled post (which I usually tend to skip over), there usually follows several which complain about it, which I find more annoying than the poorly spelt one.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I got no prob guys.

I just find it tedious that after a badly spelled post (which I usually tend to skip over), there usually follows several which complain about it, which I find more annoying than the poorly spelt one.
Agreed. Leave it to the mods guys.
And skipping over them, like Cook$ suggests is probably the best way forward.

Unless Missy does it. Then I enjoy it.