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Dead Space 2


Under the INFLUENCE!
Nov 4, 2005
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fantastic game! only issue i had with it was the very obvious and repetitive exploding vents. made me jump once or twice then afterwards id see on and every time time oh look ooga booga wooga.
however the market districty bit was pretty cool kinda felt like a scarier bioshock :)

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Played through right to final showdown on normal difficulty. Despite countless frustrating attempts I've still to finish that level - never seem to have enough health or medikits to make it. I'll get there in the end with practice. Some of the set pieces are a real ******* to suss out - takes spot on timing to make next level. New zero G option with suit thrusters is a neat idea. Think I prefer it to the point and jump method but it would be nice to have both.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I played it through on survivalist first time round. That final sequence was an utter pain in the dick. What weapons have you got?

And has anyone even attempted hardcore mode?


AAAHHHHh thats a war cry!
Feb 20, 2011
I think i tried Hardcore on the first few levels. I dont think it ended happily for me :p. Gota reply through it again when i get it back of my mate. To busy replaying Alan Wake atm :)

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
I played it through on survivalist first time round. That final sequence was an utter pain in the dick. What weapons have you got?

And has anyone even attempted hardcore mode?
Is survivalist easier or harder than on normal mode?

I've got Plasma cutter, Pulse rifle and mine launcher. First two nearly maxed out on upgrades, with the mine launcher almost stock. Final level suit again upgraded to around 60% on air, hitpoints etc.. You really hit the ground running on Deadspace 2. Opening sequence escaping from the labs in a straight jacket set the bar pretty high from the start.

I hate those damn necromorphs you can't kill and just keep regenerating on the last level


AAAHHHHh thats a war cry!
Feb 20, 2011
Difficulities are Casual, Normal, Survivalist, and Zealot, i believe. Use the slowmotion weapon on that big guy that keeps coming after you, and shoot off his limbs :)then just RUN AWAY! :)


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Is survivalist easier or harder than on normal mode?

I've got Plasma cutter, Pulse rifle and mine launcher. First two nearly maxed out on upgrades, with the mine launcher almost stock. Final level suit again upgraded to around 60% on air, hitpoints etc.. You really hit the ground running on Deadspace 2. Opening sequence escaping from the labs in a straight jacket set the bar pretty high from the start.

I hate those damn necromorphs you can't kill and just keep regenerating on the last level
Survivalist is one step up from normal. Then I replayed on normal with my upgraded weapons. The way I did it was to only ever have 2 weapons. That way you alwyas had enough ammo for each of them. Plasma cutter is a must have, as it is the most rounded weapon in the game. Second, a maxed out ripper is prob the best weapon in the game. So, what I did was take Nicole out with a ripper blade, plasma the marker, then stasis and ripper the swarm. As you thin them out, use kinesis to pick up the power ups. Rinse and repeat.

Could you alternate fire the pulse rifle, to take out the swarm? Also, as soon as you take out the marker, find nicole and pummel her. If you take her out quick, the less swarm you have to deal with.

Also, if you can secondary fire on the line rack (I think (90% sure), or it may be the contact beam) will kill the swarm in one fell swoop.

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Penny has just dropped - I've missed out on the attacking the marker bit.. Doh! Was zapping Nicole and dealing with swarm up to 5 or 6 times without taking on the marker. Didn't realise I needed to take a pop at it in between swarms. Interesting what you have to say about the Ripper - it's one of the weapons I've not used as yet. Tend to favour Cutter, Rifle or Line gun on most play throughs so far.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Anyone tried the Severed DLC yet?

On my 2nd playthrough on the main game just picking up stray achievements I missed and debating downloading it once I'm done.

Seems very cheap at 560MSP though!