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Delta Force


Team Apocalypse.
Jun 12, 2006
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
lol @ people that have no idea about business. It is expsensive but not because they make it that way. If you dont understand overheads and all the costs of renting land, people power and insurance etc, why even bother making foolish comments that only make you, look rather dam stupid.
All hail Martyp187, C Grade GCSE Business Studies student.
Please Martyp187, tell us morons more.


Beef, chicken or hot dog!
Sep 6, 2006
Back to the question, IMO do not smuggle paint in. I know it seems expensive to begin with but should you have a mis-hap with your own paint that you took in it will be even more expensive when you get sued!! If you are firing site paint and mis-haps occur then they are responsible, with your own they can deny all responsibilites and you are on your own up the creek without a paddle.
Ok guys for those of you who dont already know i own a site in Stoke on Trent and as a few of you have expressed you think that Delta Force is daylight robbery.

Well here is a few reasons why it is and isnt. There are one of the most expencive sites but there are sites in Scotland where the lands real cheap charging £10 per 100 and £15-25 on. There are full most week-ends. You guys have to remeber that we are all running a business.

When i first started my site i thought i would be able to charge £3-4 per 100 and still make a good profit on the paint i have recently put up the price to £6 per 100. I do however run walkon days with paint as cheap as £25 per box HOWEVER i do so alot of the time at a loss.

The costs involved in running a site are Incredible and heres the ONE thing everyone always forgets about paintball businesses WE MAKE OUR PROFIT IN 2 days not 6 like most business. We still pay the same wages as other business theres marketing etc lets say Detla force take 20K in a weekend (which i doubt but lets say they do)

For that site there may be 8 staffs (plus 5 marketing staffs who will all get paid a wage so you have more staff than you think plus a huge marketing bill and belive me there marketing bill will be HUGE

Anyway dont smuggle paint it pisses site owners off if you ring them and say you play half of them are alright and will usually do you a deal. But go to a walk on. Its fun shooting punters for about 30 miniutes.!!



Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
And to go a bit further in depth to Chris's post, there are so many more costs involved with a site.

Here's a few of the most over looked costs.

Maintenance on equipment
Maintenance on the site
Cleaning overalls
Goggle lenses
bagging paint


What's the point!!!
Sep 13, 2005
God's Country
Ok guys for those of you who dont already know i own a site in Stoke on Trent and as a few of you have expressed you think that Delta Force is daylight robbery.

Well here is a few reasons why it is and isnt. There are one of the most expencive sites but there are sites in Scotland where the lands real cheap charging £10 per 100 and £15-25 on. There are full most week-ends. You guys have to remeber that we are all running a business.

When i first started my site i thought i would be able to charge £3-4 per 100 and still make a good profit on the paint i have recently put up the price to £6 per 100. I do however run walkon days with paint as cheap as £25 per box HOWEVER i do so alot of the time at a loss.

The costs involved in running a site are Incredible and heres the ONE thing everyone always forgets about paintball businesses WE MAKE OUR PROFIT IN 2 days not 6 like most business. We still pay the same wages as other business theres marketing etc lets say Detla force take 20K in a weekend (which i doubt but lets say they do)

For that site there may be 8 staffs (plus 5 marketing staffs who will all get paid a wage so you have more staff than you think plus a huge marketing bill and belive me there marketing bill will be HUGE

Anyway dont smuggle paint it pisses site owners off if you ring them and say you play half of them are alright and will usually do you a deal. But go to a walk on. Its fun shooting punters for about 30 miniutes.!!


Okay these things pi$$ me off, the people mouthing off about the cost of paintball for days out that is, do you OWN a site, do you have all the crap that goes with it??????

I have the exact same question asked all the time as a site owner, can I bring my own paint to site and the answer is NO!!!

Disregard the whole we want to play paintball for sod all and let the site take the hit for me being there, or we want to buy the cheapest paint and use it all day regardless of fill, shell thickness, the impact on the other paying customers, but the fact remains, paint is where paintball companies make their margins and in turn keep the site operational!!!!

Who do you think pays for cleaning, laundry, insurance, air, toilets, rent, rates, wages to name but a few...

I will tell you the same as I tell my Customers.

I know for a FACT I can buy 60 cans of lager from Asda for £20, which equates to approx 33p per can, now, I know I can do that. What I would not do is go to my local friggin pub and sit there with my 12 cans of lager which cost me under £5 and drink them cos I know the owner of the pub has to make a living and in turn charges me £2.25 per pint!!!!!

As for Scottish sites being SO expensive, yes, I have heard rumours of certain places charging £15 per 100 balls which I think is shocking.

I own a company outside Edinburgh, and let me tell you, owning and running a site is not cheap, the land is not cheap, the insurance, the rates the bloody councils!!!!!!

So, wind your necks in, stop bitchin and moanin cos your a player who has been asked to go to a party with your mates and as such has been asked to respect the fact paintball is a business in the recreational sense, you don't want to pay it, then don't go, wait for your mates in the pub with your cans of lager at 33p each and see how long you last before you get told to feck off!!!!!!!

End of, delete thread, sick of going over old ground with people that know sod all about running a paintball company!!!!

Scottish Paintball Site OWNER!!!!!!!


Nov 17, 2006

dont bring ur own paint buddy, i work for delta force an there no point, they will just empty your hopper, tell the manager and receive the £5 bonus for finding illegal paint and yes it is worth the £5 bonus for finding it, we gotta get all the money we can get!