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  • Thread starter Tommy Gun-Nexus
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Jamie B

Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2001
The jungle
sounds like youve been done if you ask me! and probably didnt take it to well at that?

timing is just as important, not claiming to be a master but..go just as a marshals checked you (as long as hes not shouting clean and waving his arms obvoiusly) and look pissed off kicking any pots you pass, perhaps even shouting a few obsenities.

its part of the game accept and embrace.
LOL....and people moan about getting bonus balled.

I wouldn't have thought a nexus player would concern themselves with a cheap trick like that.

if its part of the game...i will accept and embrace it as long as the players that are not DMW'ing off the field can accept and embrace the extra two or three balls I put in their back:)
Best DMW ever, bar none...

Daz Lane, Rushers vs Ground Zero, stadium field 2 at Toulouse 2001. He does the first DMW to get to the back can then with 3 v 1 he DMWs again, this time getting 'high fived' by the GZ flag runner before gunning him in the back and another of GZ. Big arguements about playing on etc ensued but the DMW was amazing - the whole stand was packed and everyone was laughing their butts of at GZ!!!

Coming in a close 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th .......... 9998th has to be The Sponge, he is just unstoppable, nobody ever has a clue what he's up to!! Always entertaining though!!

Davo at work

New Member
Oct 8, 2002
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LOL @ ascuts toulouse story ! is that on the Video?

I think the sucessful ones I have seen I would put it all down to your body language and where you walk, if you look real p1ssed and keep to the tape line without going off the field you could be on a winner, but I think with all this 'extra love' being the order of the day you might struggle to pull it off in the circles you will be mixing in in future Tommy!

Good luck with and I cant wait to see you try one mate!

Tommy Gun-Nexus

Originally posted by skullicious

I wouldn't have thought a nexus player would concern themselves with a cheap trick like that.
So what do you mean by that? The DMW is pulled off by players from all sorts of teams, Nov to Pro. Dont understand your thinking :confused:

Yeh Das 'Walk is on the 2001 Toulouse Vid! Funny stuff indeed! Pitty the rest of the videos so crap (the whole 20 minuites of it!)

Im starting to feel like this thread was probably a mistake. Guessing there could be a whole lot of 'extra love' coming my way this year even if im not trying to pull 1!

Thanks guys!

not having a go mate but ur like Team England and ur talking about DMW's.

It's a cheap trick.Simple as that.
And people get upset when getting bonus balled because of players fearing the dmw.

I havent had it happen to me yet but when it does I will probably start crying:)

Nov or Pro or whatever DMW I think should be reserved for friendlys and muckabouts more than for big tourneys.

I understand it's a legitimate move (not in the spirit of the game though) and wasnt being rude or anything.

Tommy Gun-Nexus

I can understand what your saying and it is abit sly but its not breaking any rules. Many teams (including top teams) use the DMW as a get out clause if a defeat seems imminent or as a way to confuse the opposition.

If you dont agree with it or refuse to pull one them im afraid thats your loss. As some day it will bite you in the ass ;)