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elsham marshalling


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May 15, 2002
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"including one time where the team that had turned up where told they would not be allowed to alter and re chrono a gun running average 303 in the 10 min they were waiting."

Just like to point out thats not what happened i was involved in this DISCUSSION so know what happened. people should get their facts straight before posting FACTS


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Oct 12, 2001
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I don't think that the original past should just be blanked out like that. Either the mods should close / delete the entire thread, or leave it for the issues to be discussed. Some of the points raised are very serious (eg the netting issues) and for the post to be removed for being negative. The post wasn't rude or offensive. Although I agree that some parts could have been written more constructively, that shouldn't be reason enough to remove the post. The discussion on this thread has been all positive, with Steve agreeing to standardise the breakouts, Russel agreeing with some of the points etc.

Surely this is a discussion forum and as such people should be able to express their own opinions.

Tom (climbs off soapbox)

PS To make it clear, while I agree with several of the points, overall I found all of the marshalls friendly and fair and the tournament ran on time. I had a great time as did most / all people there but that still doesn't mean it was perfect.

evil sharks matt

Jan 6, 2003
oh yeh. i know this is sort of going off the subject a bit, but i have to say big thanks to donny from smart parts for helping me out that day. My imp is now soo sweet.

Cheers mate!!

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot

The reason I did what I did is simple. While the points made were perhaps valid, the way it was done was not acceptable in my book. It wasn't so much the words that were chosen, but more the anonymity that was used. Stand behind your words is what I say. Besides that, at the point that I deleted the original post most if not all issues that were raised had already been discussed in a more constructive way, so nothing was lost.
Closing the thread would have been a far worse move, since then the discussion about the different breaks would not have arisen.
If someone creates a new account on these forums in order to post something like this, it's hardly ever meant to be constructive criticism, but more likely it's just an attempt at throwing mud.

Here, have your soapbox back mate. :D


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throwing mud

budda 3:I'd just like to say i did not start up this account and thread just to cause a stir and cause trouble, but after seeing comments made about other people after pointing out problems in the past, I felt i did not wish to go through the same thing. Normally i would stand behind my name, but knowing comments such as russells would come up, i thought better not to this time.

As I said Bully, I don't have a problem with any of the organisation, i believe you Russell and your team did a fantastic job as always. and i've always enjoyed playing in or watchin your tourneys. I would love to chat about this face to face, but am unable to make the next leg through working.

I never meant to have a dig at anyone, but i understand that many people thought the marshalling was great, as i've said 95% of that i saw was fantastic, especially under those conditions.

to j, ecstacy, I did say some of the points had been mentioned to me and i didn't witness them, this is another reason i brought some of them up, so we could perhaps hear both side's of the story and find out what really happened.

At no point do i feel i have jumped on anyones back, i do feel that i could have made some of these more constructive, but I was first trying to find out the whole facts, so we could all discuss it to try and eliminate some of the mistakes from future tourneys.
I know we are all human and mistakes will be made, hell i've made enough to last a lifetime, but unless someone points out my mistakes i don't always realise i've done them and therefore can't learn from them.

Thanks to everyone for listening and sorry to all those that have taken this the opposite way to how i intended.

P.s. I know bully's a superhero when it comes to organising, but i do realise he's not god and can't control the weather.

twinkle toes

Spud eating?? Never!!!
Sep 14, 2001
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Right then...

....first of all , I did n't play , me and the missus turned up to watch for a couple of hours ( then got blocked in , and stayed for a lot longer ). It was cold , it was wet , and it was f'ckin muddey. But that aside , it was a good tourny. People played ball. And they enjoyed it.

Now to the point of this. I've read the quote of the first posting ( thanks Russel :D ) , and I did see some of the points he mentions. However , I also think that this spectator may have been a little biased. Several of the points are related to one particular team. They probably know who they are , and therefore 'My2pence' will probably know me too. I'm not sure who you are though.
Anyway , theres always two sides to everything. People get shot , a marshal comes to check them , they think they've been hit and raise there arms to help ( kind of knowing they are shot ) , the marshal pulls them for lifting their arm. I saw it. Player moved to a tea bag. another player trys to mug , they both shoot at each other. Mugger gets shot and leaves , tea bag players checked , turns and raises both arms , nearly walks , then thinks about it and waits for a descision. Now he was pulled for lifting his arms , but he was shot on his gun too ( he did n't know at the time ). So regardless. It was a good call , and the player knew he should have walked really.
Thats one of the points and I could explain a few more. but I think this makes the point on marshalling. At the end of the day ( and I've done this ) standing in the cold , rain , mud and between 10 ballers trying to shoot the crap out of each other , is not nice. You're under pressure , you have to make a call at that moment. Not 30 seconds later. Given the conditions ( and I'm not talking just about the mud ) the marshalling was as good as you're going to get. There were some very experienced marshals and
sh!t hot players doing that job on Sunday , they did know what they were doing , and they did a good job.

As for the site. Well its Elsham. Everyone who has played there knows what its like. No matter what time of year it is , and what weather we've had , the bottom of the field is always a bit riskey. Cars get stuck , parking is a problem ( because its a popular tourney ) and if it rains , the water runs off the fields above straight over the tourney staging area. You know what its like , and you go back because where else can you play 7 sup'air fields on grass regularly? ( Dont say the Millennium , you know what I mean ). Its a good tourney. If you've played one , you know what I mean.

Nuff said I think. Bully and mob , another good one mate. We came and got wet , muddey and cold , and did n't even play. We loved it though. Saw a few mates , had a laugh , and went home for a hot bath.

My2pence , if I know you , and you know me , get in touch mate. I dont mind going through some of the rough calls you may have seen , and show you a different perspective on them.

Cheers all.