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Extortionary customs duties


Grumpy Sys*****

I'm not the biggest fan of the EU, just ask anyone at work. In fact, I'm not the biggest fan of the US either. I prefer to treat everyone with openminded suspiscion until they prove to me that they are ok and can be trusted. It's not a nice attitude, but it's one that has worked in a lot of countries (Viet Nam being one _very_ good example) and with the exception of maybe Germany one that has held up.

However, what you said about the goverment strikes a chord. This year we had an election and because no-one could decide which party to vote for (both the major parties were as bad as each other, not the inference), they decided to stay away. We had the lowest voter turnout for ages. It's getting so bad, it's almost like the US. I would dearly love to up sticks and move somewhere that is not going to screw me on Income tax (like the UK) or Import duty (like the UK) and has a high cost of living (like the UK). I'm sick and tired of paying over the odds for things and having to wait ages until they get here from whereever they are released.

Consider the cinema.... We have to wait about six months until a film crosses the Atlantic. That pisses me off considering that Europe/the UK is the second biggest market most of the film makers have. Then they start whinging about people buying DVDs from the US and how it is costing them money. Newsflash: If you released them at the same time, we wouldn't have to buy th DVD or get a pirate to watch the film if we wanted to, we could watch it at the same time and their revenue would increase.

But, to bring it back into line with paintball... I really hate paying Dollars to Pounds for equipment. I see something on sale in the US for 70 dollars, I can guaruntee that when/if it hits these shores, it will cost me nearly 70 pounds. There is no way that import duty will take up that cost if you are bringing in enough of it. And it pisses me off, because every time I have to buy stuff here it takes more money away from my wallet and that means less money is there for me to actually play paintball with. You make it cheaper and more people will buy it. More people buy it and suddenly it's cheaper for peope to play and the next thing you know, the UK will have a decent international team again.

It's just a shame we can't blame this for the ****e football/rugby/cricket teams we have here. But that's just the goverment deciding that they should use the money to put more police on the beat and make the NHS better. No, wait! They said they would last election but they've done.... FSCK ALL!!!

Next time I'm running for office myself.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9

Originally posted by Wookie
Next time I'm running for office myself.

But if you do that you will probably trip and fall out of bounds...

:) hehehe


p.s. I felt the same way about the UK (and still do in many ways) I was about to leave and work in the US but got such a good job opportunity that I decided to stay and see how it works out.


Grumpy Sys*****
Thanks guys...

Manike: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I trust that even with my balletic grace on the field, I can count on your support next election.

Rancid: The reason the say they haven't heard of me is because I spend all my time in the R&D lab and only a few people know or give a **** about that. Most of the people working here are marketing and they either don't know or don't care about where all the new products come from. I'm also a contractor, so the people that do know where the lab is, probably ignore me anyway.

It's nice to be invisible... it makes swiping food from the canteen easier.
