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Field Numbering


New Member
Jul 7, 2001
Guernsey CI
Why is it that field numbers at lots of tournaments never seem to be layed out logically ?

E.G. you would expect for example the field on the left woud be number 1 through to the field on the right being field 6 . However tournament organisers seem to have some random way of assigning numbers to the fields ?

The only reason I can think for this is that the field numbers are assigned after the draw has been decided so that 'certain' teams can ensure they play more games on their preferd field ? ... Probably not the reason but the only one I can come up with.



Ever numbered fields for a tournament, and ask 10 other people to do the same?

Everyone has their own ideas on what "obvious" is. What's right to you is left to someone else, some like to number in rows while others prefer clockwise (or counterclockwise).... Sometimes there are scheduling considerations (Field 4 is the X-Ball field, so no matter where it ends up physically at the location it still has to be field 4....)

If someone were really out to have certain teams play certain fields, there'd be much more covert ways to do it than messing with field numbers.

- Chris