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first marker or car?


Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
I have been paintballing a few times and I want my own marker but right now, i cant really be arsed to read all the reviews.
I would like a reliable marker, second hand is good, that is around £300.

On the other hand, i am gonna start getting driving lessons and a car would also be nice to get to the paintball site :D

Please influence my decision,

Jeevus Maximus
the sort of car you are going to get for 300 pounds may not last you that long! so if you are going for the car get a bit more money!

also how often are you looking at playing paintball? I am slightly biased but i say go for the gun! 300 will get you a nice second hand marker that will last!
but if you are only playing every couple of months go for the car!
plus if you are not playing tournaments or walk ons you need to make sure your local site will let ya use your own kit


Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
well i have more than £300 right now so i would aim to pay around £800 for the car.
I want to pay £300 for the marker cos its a fair amount for a first gun. Not too much and not a cheap-ass paice of scrap!

Is there any reliable marker u would recommend?

Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants

Marker, marker, marker, marker, i'm trying to get a rythem going.

Second hand for around £300. Cocker, Mag, Impulse. Try before you buy, and get someone in the know to have a look at it for you as well.

Enjoy it:D
Hello it's me again back from site

As he knows yes he can use his new gun at site cool;) well us any way.

Try before you buy means ask to meat up you can use site as a venue Tb is tommrow, and shoot the thing ask about it's history how many owners ect how to service it if said owner sounds iffy he has probaly never serviced it. Have a real good look ask to see the internals check the bolt, make sure any thing that srews in or allen key is rust free and that the housing is thight and not wobbly.

Good luck have fun or talk to us on 20th there will be toys to play with but it's a suprise.

Also lots of other freindly paintballers to give advise and if you ask nicely I expect they too will let you play with their toys.
