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ground pounder vests?


UK Redskins
Oct 31, 2003
Essex, UK
Well if you play any event that uses the Millennium rules you should not be allowed to use them.

http://www.millennium-series.com/downloads/rules.pdf section 9 equipment.

There will not be allowed at PA/Super 4 events, they are a training aid, not safety equipment.
If you are scared of getting shot play better, if you are not able to do that and it bothers you that much, take up Knitting.

Can you tell me which part of Section 9 you are refering to??

Maybe I'm not reading it right, but I can't see where it says NO PADDED VESTS or similar.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Can you tell me which part of Section 9 you are refering to??

Maybe I'm not reading it right, but I can't see where it says NO PADDED VESTS or similar.
It does not say no padded vests, however it is very clear that it is two layers only, and if you read the rider at the bottom of the page it explains that a layer is defined as a T shirt type material with a cloth weight of 150 grams per square metre.


Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
Well if you play any event that uses the Millennium rules you should not be allowed to use them.

http://www.millennium-series.com/downloads/rules.pdf section 9 equipment.

There will not be allowed at PA/Super 4 events, they are a training aid, not safety equipment.
If you are scared of getting shot play better, if you are not able to do that and it bothers you that much, take up Knitting.

The Millennium announced last season that chest protectors from all manufacturers are now considered legal.


UK Redskins
Oct 31, 2003
Essex, UK
It does not say no padded vests, however it is very clear that it is two layers only, and if you read the rider at the bottom of the page it explains that a layer is defined as a T shirt type material with a cloth weight of 150 grams per square metre.

Thanks for clearing that up.....

I do see your point, however, didn't a lot of people raise this type of protest when DYE released their playing jerseys with the built in padding a couple of years back??

Obviously, the forearm protection is approved so long as you do not wear an additional set of pads underneath (unless I'm still reading it wrong).

Taken from the DYE website "Contoured shoulder protection is also critical in helping to reduce the sting of close range bunker shots..."

Therefore, if you wear a DYE playing jersey, are you saying that you are not allowed to wear an under layer because of the shoulder padding....


Do you have to cut away the area of t-shirt directly under the padding??

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
The Millennium announced last season that chest protectors from all manufacturers are now considered legal.

That may be true because I know a few players who did wear them, but I am only going by the published rules.

Now if they have changed their outlook on the matter it would be good of them to let everyone know.

I will have a word with Ulrich and let you know.


Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Thanks for clearing that up.....

I do see your point, however, didn't a lot of people raise this type of protest when DYE released their playing jerseys with the built in padding a couple of years back??

Obviously, the forearm protection is approved so long as you do not wear an additional set of pads underneath (unless I'm still reading it wrong).

Taken from the DYE website "Contoured shoulder protection is also critical in helping to reduce the sting of close range bunker shots..."

Therefore, if you wear a DYE playing jersey, are you saying that you are not allowed to wear an under layer because of the shoulder padding....


Do you have to cut away the area of t-shirt directly under the padding??
As stupid as that sounds it did get to that point because you will find the "allowed" limits seem to be changing every year.
You really don't think companies manufacturer that sort of detailing for real protection do you..... if you wanted protection you can and always have been allowed to use hard protection it's the foam type that we all know are designed to assist in gaining bouncers.

I remember a few years ago National brought out a shirt with built in "arm protection" and those were an absolute joke in the normal gun holding position it was like having a bounce shield in front of you, I made them change shirts or remove the padding because taking the pi** is not something that should happen and it only does if we let it.

So at what point do we say this is the line and no more..... who is playing the game, is anyone really saying they are unable to compete at tourney level with out wearing a bounce mat (and that is all it is lets be honest)

For years they was not in the game and it was fine, I do remember getting lit up a few times and having some real ugly bruises but guns have now been capped at 12bps they can shoot much more fragile paint than ever before which in itself hurts a dam sight less and if you are playing at the so called highest lever in Europe perhaps thats the paint that you should be using.

As for the Dye products you are referring to, I checked them out and to be completely honest with you I had no problem with them, it did as I am sure was their intention highlight the shirt in such a way that it looked better than others in the market place.
And as for reducing the sting or close range bunker shots ........ Well maybe it did ........ but marketing hype is also a possibility :)

The truth is some criteria must be laid down worldwide for the manufacturers to work to and we have to also realise it will be at least two years for it to implemented, the designs that are on the racks now was on the design board two years ago.


Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
I had a word with Ulrich and he said a new set of rules will be published before the Malaga event in April and it will be made clear in there.

But they are currently allowed in all divisions.

He says the euro-refs are more concerned about looking for hits than having to check vests off field.

My advice to all players is pad up as much as you can, I don't think they will be checking you

We will be checking at the PA and since I have agreed to use MS rules this season you may also use them there as long as they comply with the 2008 rules as written.



No Limit Bridgend
Mar 10, 2007
Word of warning, one of my team mates got serious dehydration/ heat stroke from wearing one of theses vests and not drinking enough fluid in the last PA. These things insulate you alot so you get too hot very quickly, I have never worn one and Pain is only weakness leaving your body, so MAN UP.


Phantoms are still cool
Apr 14, 2008
i tried out a ground pounder shirt this weekend, i thought it was great. It was a bit stiff at first but soon broke it in. Not too sweaty either and had a huge advantage over my mates proto shirt in that it doesn't stick to you so you can actually take it off easily.
Not sure how practical they will be on a fine summers day but I can see they benefits on a stinging cold winters morning