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Heaven's Gate V - 23rd-24th June


Jun 25, 2007
Kent, UK
No one has mentioned Heavens Gate Tournment yet, Well what did people think?

Well here's my View:

The good Points - The layout of fields, trade stands and food area.

The BAD Points - MARSHALLS - on ALL fields they were so inconsistant and I heard this from many teams, this maybe a bit harsh but I've seen better marshalling at PUNTER sites. SHOWERS - the lack of them, us teams that came to the site and camped was told that there would be showers and weren't (false advertising). TOILETS - Three portaloo's for 35 plus teams that were MOSTLY men, Thats disgusting!! on the sunday afternoon they were nearly over flowing its good job there wasn't any sun cos that would stink to high HEAVEN (or is that why its called heavens gate) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Come on guys don't be shy
What did you think?


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2006
(near) Southampton
The BAD Points - MARSHALLS - on ALL fields they were so inconsistant and I heard this from many teams, this maybe a bit harsh but I've seen better marshalling at PUNTER sites.
Wrong. The marshalls were great this weekend. Sure there were some disputed calls, but at the end of the day they are normal people after all (except Kitch ;)) and cannot be expected to get it right 110% of the time, like too many people expect.

The huge problem that I saw in terms of marshalling was the numbers. I think there was about 5 on each field, which didn't seem near enough to keep track of all the action all the time, and meant most marshalls were positioned along the tapes of each field and not enough to have more lying down in the centres to catch the hits/wipes/etc that marshalls at the side couldn't always see.

I have to say that i enjoyed this years event. It wasnt anywhere near as good as when it is down in Bournemouth, but I am sure that the reasons for the change are valid. The weather was crappy, but the atmosphere seemed to hold.

However, there were some serious disappointments. I suppose, before i go into them that i should mention that I have nothing but love for the nspl and the effort that Syd puts in. The complaints are not based on a personal level but leveled at the organisation of the event overall.

1) Down time between games. I understand that with the number of divisions and the differences in 7man and 5man that it is difficult for the schedule to hold over the course of the day. But why is it not possible to start all fields at the same time. It has been done before at other events and it makes the difference in fields null and void. By lunch time on the first day the timings of all the fields were all over the place. This has a direct impact on teams.

2) Loos. This was a disgrace. There were no way near enough and with people camping over night the state of the bogs on sunday morning was appalling. At least two of them were overflowing and the smell was awful. From experience I know that these can be changed/emptied on a daily basis and that they are not that expensive to hire. Get it sorted, there is no excuse.

3) Facilities. The food sucked, there was no choices and where was the breakfasts that were promised? It was outlined that provisions had been made for better on site catering in the wake of the venue change. This was a joke.

4) Why is it not possible to put straw/sand/wood chip down on areas where hundreds of people are walking over two days. Cost is not an option since i know plenty of places where you can get wood chip/ sand for little or no cost. The weather played its part, but it wasnt a surprise that it was going to be that wet.

5) Marshalling. Now I always have a problem with the marshalls coz otherwise I would have to blame myself for playing like a goober (be quiet pinki!). But over the two days I saw countless mistakes on a scale that directly affected the end results. I saw far too many calls made by refs who clearly do not have the experience or intelligence to be left on their own. I am not going to single a field out because it happened on most of them (apart from kitch's field, coz he told me to be nice!). I have no proble, with new marshalls being taught and gaining experience but this has to be matched by more experienced marshalls to pick up the slack and guard against mistakes.

I dont think any where deliberately maliscious but i do think that most were down to not knowing the rules or not knowing how to apply them. One experience that left me disappointed is the application of the 141 rule for playing on in reference to young and highly inexperienced teams. I understand that some may say that not knowing the rules or not understanding them is no excuse. But when teams are entering at the lowest level, having a quiet word at the end and explaining decisions would not hurt anyone. Going in all blazing and pulling a harsh 141 at best, and then being aggressive in the way you eliminate a player is both unnecessary and counter productive. These teams are the future of our tournament scene and we are in danger of alienating a large proportion of future players. Marshall as you would wish to be marshalled.

In the defence of the refs I think that the experienced ones did their best and ended up getting caught in with catch all comment of "that field is ****" rather than "that marshall is ****". Too many times i watched people having to cover an area another ref should have been in control of in weather that sucked!

Overall, the event was dissappointing compared to what it has been in the past. A lot was promised and not much delivered, to be honest, in relation to facilities and i think the teams deserve some credit for keeping up the atmosphere.


am member
Dec 12, 2001
Visit site
It was a laugh

I enjoyed the event it was well run event you can't point the finger at Sid for the mud. It happens. People spinning there cars wheels really was not helping!!
The marshalls were good really they were!!! You always get bad calls. They worked hard in terrible conditions.
Having said that a friend of mine was rather angry with regard to what he had been told should be there having taken his children on the back of it.
So i would be interested to hear why these things did not take place?
But all in all a nice fun event.
Maybe see you all in another year.


Team Apocalypse.
Jun 12, 2006
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
2) Loos. This was a disgrace. There were no way near enough and with people camping over night the state of the bogs on sunday morning was appalling. At least two of them were overflowing and the smell was awful. From experience I know that these can be changed/emptied on a daily basis and that they are not that expensive to hire. Get it sorted, there is no excuse.
I heard the loo budget went on making banners with some guys face on it. :p
Come on guys don't be shy
What did you think?
I cant comment and wont as a player as I didnt play, but like you said "Come on guys dont be shy!"
I travelled up yesterday morning to show my face:) and loads of people spoke to me and seem to say what they think. When I take a look on the forums you see everyone being so nice about it. Even people who had nothing good to say when speaking to me. Seems to be the thing with the NSPL, so many people are either to scared to tell it how it is or are just talking out their arse. Any negative feedback doesnt have to be a "Lets slag HG (or Syd for organising it) off" but if it is done correctly can help to rectify things for years to come.
Personally as a spectator, I thought it was not good. I am sure Syd done his best but it really wasnt good enough for players and spectators. I dont know why the venue was changed and dont wish to know but I think if you are thinking of holding a tournament this size you should always have a confirmed back up plan. I know most of the marshalls and from what I seen they were doing a great job. I have heard from a few people there were problems but that should of been sorted on the day, not now on the forums.
One major problem I had with the catering was getting there after a 2 hour drive and having to wait 10 minutes for a coffee as the caterers let the urn run out of water!!!:eek: When I got one it was still cold. Surely this is basic?
It has been said on the NSPL that hiring in a header tank shower block would not of been posible because of Glastonbury???? Hello, there are more than one hire shop in the country and I am sure some people would of paid extra to have the facilitys. Watching games on the middle field was rubbish as all Reading events.the toilets I wont comment as I took one look and decided to wait til I got home. Driving 2 hours, praying for no traffic hold ups with your legs crossed aint fun. And dont say should of gone i the services, I did think of that but just wanted to get home.
None of these comments are directed at Syd or any of the people who helped organise, so to all the little butt lickers dont come on here giving me grief.
Tell it how it is!!!
Hopefully we will be back to Bournemouth next year.