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Help/advice please

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one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
And so far that hasnt been proved. Take some pictures in the same position as the seller and those of the scratches

Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
I have NEVER said that I misrepresented the product nor have I said that I would, If I had the money give you a full refund. I did infact say that maybe the gun had more scratches than I said but tbh I can not remember anymore so am looking forward to the pics


Mar 11, 2009

The point in my post was to ask if the MODs thought I was in the right to ask for my money back as, the second agreement made between me and the seller for the £30 refund was agreed upon was what I believe not to be the truth.

So if the MODs say that I do have the right to ask for my money back because the second agreement may have been made under false pretences then I was planning to approach the seller explain the issue and try and come to an outcome.

But if he did not agree I then wanted to come back to the MOD's and take it further i.e provide photos and then see if the seller changes his mind.

So all I want to know first off is do you think I am in the right to ask for my money back if the second agreement was come to because I may have been lied to i.e He cant pay me back because he has no money or goods to sell. If you do, then I'll approach the seller and explain this to him and see what happens, if you decide I dont have the right to ask for the money back as it cant be said whether he did or didn't lie about not having any money or goods, then the issue is done with and forgotten.

The whole issue is -He agreed I was entitled to a full refund but could not provide it, does this therefore mean the seller nullified the agreement not to pay me back fully and only provide me with a part refund of £30 because he may have lied to me about not having the means to pay me back initially as several things have come up on the forum (he's buying, selling and planning to sell.)


Mar 11, 2009
I have NEVER said that I misrepresented the product nor have I said that I would, If I had the money give you a full refund. I did infact say that maybe the gun had more scratches than I said but tbh I can not remember anymore so am looking forward to the pics

So that is misrepresentation, you agreed it had more scratches than you advertised to sell the marker to me, it would have been very easy for you to have described the condition of the gun. For example; marker has scratches on bottom of trigger guard and a one inch (approximatly) black mark on barrel end and scratches and dents on feed neck and scratces and dents on regulator and on main body as well as the back cap and so on you then could have put ' I will try and take closer photos of scratches but thy are small and hard to pick up' rather than 'a few scratches and dents'

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Assuming your story is correct (note the word assuming, I'm not taking sides here), I understand your frustration. However, even if the story he told you is a lie, that doesn't entitle you to a larger or full refund. After all, how many second hand cars are sold under the premise that they belonged to an old lady that always parked it in the garage? And how many of them does that story really apply to?
I think we all know the answer.

Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
I do/did have nothing I could sell as both the pmrs are broken so cant sell them and I have changed teams from proto to eclipse and with round 1 of the nspl coming up i need to be sporting eclipse kit hence the pads I am trying to get as I need a pair and the only headband I have ATM is a headband I had printed with my old team logo on it so obviously I can't use that and I don't have anything else I don't need which I can sell accept maybe my new ego ;(((
I offered to give you the £30 which we agreed on and a balling tee shirt or two as that's all I have but you turned them down
And what I said about my parents splitting up and having little money is also true as my dads business is doing badly ATM as no one can afford holidays and my mum is unemployed


Mar 11, 2009
Ok then Buddah 3 thats problem solved, as I was trying to say I'm a man of my word and if you (MOD's) dont think I have the right to ask for a refund as Cool3108 has not broken the deal by not providing me with the trigger or by possibly lying to me to get me to shake on that deal then the afore mentioned deal is still on and I wont be the one to break it. I dont have the right to ask for my money back, That was all the clarification I wanted in posting this thread as I have tried to point out.


Mar 11, 2009
Cool3108 if the trigger ahs not arrived by next friday are you happy to pay £10 to me, I have also asked my neighbors and nothing has been put through there letter boxes.
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