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Help save the PSP

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Ok, I know what you're thinking. I haven't exactly been the PSP's number one supporter. (A little understatement for our Brit pals) But--
Today is the cut off for PSP Vegas and the numbers are kind'a thin and this is NOT a good thing. It really isn't.
So here's how you can help. Let's get some PSP talk on the front burner and start making a list of ideas for things the PSP can do to get back in the game.

No. 1--let NXL teams compete outside the NXL (for now). Here's why. The current NXL set-up--admittedly made up of a solid chunk of the best players in the world--is marginalizing the NXL and those players by restricting their play elsewhere. The reality so far is nobody (relatively) is seeing them play. Nobody is making a big deal outta their matches. One reason for that is PB is so fragmented at present it's tough to get too excited about forty-seven different categories. Letting NXL teams (or other top teams restricted at present by sponsors--wink, wink, nudge, nudge) compete freely puts them once again in the forefront of the PB public's imagination and instead of detracting from NXL interest will actually pump it up.

No. 2--get the word out. Start promoting the bejeebers outta your product. A website that takes two weeks to load up and seldom has anything new ain't it. Put together a game plan for the rest of the season and fight back. Fill Lane in and send him out to spread the news. He's well-spoken and respected. People will give him a fair hearing.

Get to work, my horde of flying monkeys! Help save the PSP!


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
Visit site
Just to touch on a few points Baca brought up:

1)Break NXL away from PSP events and as fast as they can..1 field is all they need and they should start looking for places to put it into the spotlight..Ive heard all about how it needs to run side by side for now but in reality its doing nothing but holding it back and alienating 10 man teams in the process..I know its gonna take cash,and lots of it,to be successful but thats a risk that im assuming everyone who invested in it knew they were taking..And with the break away,they could lift the playing restrictions,put the 10 man pro division back in place, and start putting the emphasis back on the 10 man format until NXL really takes off,if at all..Many 10 man teams feel like thier playing second fiddle to X Ball in regards to reffing and everything else for that matter which is really hurting the PSP in the long run..And if 10 man is just being kept around until X-Ball takes off then maybe these teams are making the right decision by jumping to S7..You cant really be a puppet anymore when theres someone else willing to let you pull your own strings for now..

2)Get Dynasty,Strange,and Naughty Dogs into the NXL as quick as possible..Making sure all the PRO teams are involved will just make it that much easier to sell X-Ball to whoever the powers may be..It really doesnt look good when 3 top teams are sitting on the sidelines regardless of the franchise situation..My feeling is that the quicker X-Ball takes off or fails is when PSP will start focusing its full attention back on 10 man and giving S7 a run for their money...Until then 10 man will be a sideshow that might not survive much longer if NXL keeps at its current pace...


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
Stop treating 10 man like an unwanted step-child. Put the time and (most of all) the effort into making it a first class event, or at least as good as Xball. No deadboxes, no armbands and short-handed reffing all send the signal that the 10 man division is now just an afterthought to the event organizers. You may save a few dollars by not having to set up deadboxes, but you lose more in the long run by alienating your customers.

Oh yeah, and let the Xballers play other formats. :D :D :D


New Member
Sep 18, 2001
Visit site

Its the evolution in effect, weak goes down strong rises up..

It seems that people/players voted with their money its a natural process.


Rocky Knuth

Naughty Dog
Feb 27, 2003
I agree totally, I looked at the team list this morning and got kinda worried.

Support the PSP! Hopefully there will be more teams signing up this afternoon.

BRING BACK PRO 10 man!!!!!!!!!


Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
According to a post from Lane yesterday on a site that will remain nameless--
There was some automated problem or some such with a few of the teams registering but the whole thing should'a been squared away around noon EST. That was awhile ago so whatever list is posted is probably pretty close to who will be there.

Rocky--gotta bring back the Pro teams before they can bring back the division :rolleyes: