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How fast are you?

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New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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When you all start to post about how you can all shoot at 16/18/20/50 bps, remember that the counter on your super-duper marker doesn't record the actual number of times the trigger was pulled, it just records the shortest time between any 2 pulls and calculates the rof based on that. Same goes for the radar chronos that show rof.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
and to add to that - where did you get a loader that fed at 31bps

even the dynasty board shocker with an angry halo only made 26bps between the shortest trigger pulls ive got the same kit and tried it on many markers and i cant get anywhere above 21bps on the max loader settings.

and i know on a good day i can pull a consistent 12-13bps but i have seen people that are a lot faster - the thing is though as soon as i fire on the move I slow right down .

i can prove this on an etch'a'sketch

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
Just trust me lads, but Liz is right, I don't claim to have pulled the trigger 24 times in one second, but to have fired 3 consecutive shots that represent that fire-rate. Its still hella fast, but a litle different to actually completing the whole second.

And the loader came from WDP, it was an intellifeed Empire B halo. The gun told me it was 31bps, and I believe it.

Missy Q

300lb's of Chocolate Love
Jun 8, 2005
East Side
and Scottish boy, you can only get that fast with an Angel, the Shockers top out at around 25 as they are limited by thier mechanics, same goes for the DM's and the Timmys top out at 24. You can smoke Dynasty's shocker pole all you like but unless you step up you will always be slower than me.

The angry upgrades are still not as fast as the Empire B and the Intellifeed upgrade will add between 5-7 bps depending on how loose the gears in your loader are.
I may be a 300lb black woman but I know my shxt.
You dig?

I would like to thank D6 for my award. I would also like to thank my Mom, and everyone at WDPHB for setting my gun up for me so I can make little skinny white british guys feel inferior.

"even the dynasty board shocker with an angry halo only made 26bps" - Cracks me up!!! I thought the 12 yr old Dynasty wannabe's were only over here, !

Ryan(pb alexandria)

Clan Killer
Sep 5, 2004
Loch Lomond
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Missy... Scottish boy (jamie) is/was MR Angel in Scotland.

Camo anno'd 05, another for back up and a G7 at one point.

Shocker..mechanics..blah blah.

Cockers will rip them all up :p :p

Hit me with ur shizzle black mumma


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by Missy Q
and Scottish boy, you can only get that fast with an Angel, the Shockers top out at around 25 as they are limited by thier mechanics, same goes for the DM's and the Timmys top out at 24. You can smoke Dynasty's shocker pole all you like but unless you step up you will always be slower than me.

The angry upgrades are still not as fast as the Empire B and the Intellifeed upgrade will add between 5-7 bps depending on how loose the gears in your loader are.
I may be a 300lb black woman but I know my shxt.
You dig?

I would like to thank D6 for my award. I would also like to thank my Mom, and everyone at WDPHB for setting my gun up for me so I can make little skinny white british guys feel inferior.

"even the dynasty board shocker with an angry halo only made 26bps" - Cracks me up!!! I thought the 12 yr old Dynasty wannabe's were only over here, !
I feel you've maybe chosen the wrong pastime, Jerry Springer's obviously missing the ideal trailer park moron just think how fast you could fire with an opposable thumb.

As pointed out to you already .i have tested this on many different markers and have intellifed them myself aswell as using pre-made boards and if you actually speak to WDP they themselves will confirm that the shot counter is not accurate .
and as for being a 12 year old Dynasty wannabe i'd rather have the skills of Olly lang than Mama Cass

maybe this crap works for you on PB nation but please dont bring it here .

Just an afterthought : are you actually a 300lb black woman or a sad skinny 14 year old 'white' kid in hiding ?- you seem to be a bit too much of a stereo-type.

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