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How important is communication during a game

your mom

wears army boots

try playing against a team, but without your teammates, after all, if you don't communicate, they may as well not be there.

5 vs. 1, sound good, no. that'ss why ur back men cover ur azz and the mids back you up so you don't get slaughtered.
anyone can shoot paint and run, but only a team can win.


New Member
Dec 15, 2002
southern california
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If you have a team of the most skilled players you will do good but if you can communicate with them you will do even better. although communicating will help it wont make up for absence of skill and the only thing you will be communicating back and forth is that you lost another player.

Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants
Originally posted by your mom

try playing against a team, but without your teammates, after all, if you don't communicate, they may as well not be there.

5 vs. 1, sound good, no. that'ss why ur back men cover ur azz and the mids back you up so you don't get slaughtered.
anyone can shoot paint and run, but only a team can win.
If you walk the field correctly, everybody is going to know the 'plan' and so will know what it is they have to do. You could shout at your mate during the game "i'm going to move to whatever the next bunker is". But he should know where it is your going to move to next because the team walked the field correctly. Of course the 'plan' isn't fool proof, thats why you need some communication. So everybody knows what actually happened, where the other team broke out to, etc. So they can alter the 'plan' slightly to compensate the situation.

Attempting to communicate all that with your team mates during a game is going to take forever and a day. By which time teams like Dynasty have already made the fifty and are putting on the pressure. Preperation is the key to winning, not talking with your mates during the game.

"back men cover ur azz" dood you shouldn't have to tell you back player to cover you ass, it's his job from the moment the game starts. A good back player should never stop shooting his marker. I even remember Robo showing us how to fill our hopper whilst continuing to shoot, just so we didn't stop putting the other team under pressure.


Tommy Gun-Nexus

Ya'll crazy :confused: ;)

Communication is a key component of modern paintball. Go and watch any top team play + listen to how much they talk to each other. Teams like Strange are constantly communicating with each other, making sure every player on the team is doing the right job and that everyone knows everything they need to know!
Its good because:

Find out where the opposition are, where theve moved to, where there shooting etc.

Set up attacks/defence by directing fire and initiating moves.

Tell your team about muggers/danger men.

Inform your team that your potting up/cleaning out a tonne of paint out of your gun.

Doesnt matter if you can snap-shoot fast and accurately if you dont know where they are! For f*ck sake talk to each other! your team will be much better for doing so..



Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Hey Tom - how have you been mate?

I agree that if you can do everything else, then communication can be a great tool.

But if you all get shot out of your bunkers and don't win gun fights, then communication aint going to save your butt :)

So while I think a team as good as Nexus needs it to top off their game, I don't think that a team who has some more fundamental problems like playing loose should soley focus on it until they got the other things sorted.

It is a bit chicken and egg thing though :)

Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants

Dynasty won several games at Campaign in under 60 seconds, without any communication. It escapes me how if a team can win so quickly without saying a word to one another, that communication can be one of the most important factors of the game. After all if you can win without it, and so quickly. How can it be one of the most important areas of the game?

Communication is a factor, without a doubt. However there are many other factors to the game, that are far more important.


New Member
Jul 11, 2001
feet up..........
dynasty at campaign


at campaign we filmed dynasty,and how they played at the tournie..
there front guys said very little all game where as the backs controlled the game verbally all game,directing thier remote killers to whatever arose or presented itself...
i personally have never seen a better example of communication ever...
ryan greenspan was the back guy in 1 game and he just ripped thru the other team with his killers...didnt let off the paint all game,getting front players to drop paint so he could pick it up..
fantastic...you know its good when it just looks as thou no effot is needed to win.communication wins games..simple as that..
here a place u can down load there vids

download the codecs and play em
