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How to hold your marker?


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!

Don't listen to anyone else on this thread just listen to me and Beaker....... The HIP alwaya always shoot from the hip ;)

So forget everything else and do that and you will be a star before you know it.



Feb 1, 2002
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Piper u are so right, ive learned everything i know from u. from when u first taught me how to draw my gun, to shooting from the hip. to when u fitted my first bypod and scope.

how is my gun coming a long ? u wired up the sound system yet ?



Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Originally posted by RON
Piper u are so right, ive learned everything i know from u. from when u first taught me how to draw my gun, to shooting from the hip. to when u fitted my first bypod and scope.

how is my gun coming a long ? u wired up the sound system yet ?

The Ronatron Gun is nearly finished! You will be a killing machine :D



Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Best bit of advice that i got was to get rid of the stupidly long drop forward that i used to use. I would recomend that your regulator is right below the grip frame so that when you are holding your marker your wrist is close agaisnt the reg. This way your wrist is not wrapped around your bottle and adding more to your front on profile.

When i hold my marker i keep my right (or left when i shoot out of that side) elbow under my gun pointed into my body so that it is not hanging out all over the place. The added advantage of this is that it helps add some helpful spring & roll when popping out to snap shoot.

Experiment with mirror, hold your gun in varying ways and slowly move out along the edge of the mirror. This will allow you to see what parts are sticking out the most. Remeber while snap-shooting you want the least amount visible for the least amount of time. Holding my marker the way i do, drawing out to a mirror, at the point where the barrel is out of cover (when you need to be shooting) the only part exposed is my marker, my hand on the front reg (bouncy), a bit of by wrist (least i can manage) and the right corner of my goggles.

Also, remeber when snapping, it is usually not what is sticking when u pop out that gets shot... it is whats still hanging around after u have fired those 2-3 shots in that split second as you move back in. Minimise the time it takes to get back in and make as little visible as possible.

Weakest Link

Little Deviant
Oct 21, 2002
Keeping tight..

Im not very good at keeping tight, and need a lot more practice before I can be proud of my posture, but one thing I have found is that team mates have taken photos of games that I played in, and so I can see how I play on the field. I can then compare this to everyone else, and its really helpful to see where Im going wrong.

Just an idea
Holding your gun...

First things first. Learn to hold your gun as many different ways as you can. That means left handed, right handed, lying down, cross-handed (a la russian legion), with your toes (I can do it, ask of the Abbots to show you, it's so easy), and with your elbows in the event of sudden amputation of your hands, because, hey, you never know.

Judging by the fact that you've got "team spod" plastered all over your damn sig, and you're not seen without your girlfriend (that'd be Eric), this has gotta be Sam. Sam, you've got an Angel. Just stay tight and get your damn hopper in. At training, both you and Eric had your loaders out about, oh, 6 miles from your barricades. They're big targets-tilt your damn gun and get them in. Other than that, whatever's comfortable, I suppose. Though I would listen to piper. I've seen him eat like, 6 pies, and then come out at the Wurzelbash and kick my ass. Keep in mind, I was shooting a doorstop then (er, shocker).
Peace, hope this helps.
Mike (the yank, duh)


New Member
Jun 16, 2003
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go with whatever is comfortable. try alot of positions, doggy....wait, sorry wrong subject :) and definately practice infront of a mirror. use a couch or chair for a barricade. if you don't have a mirror that you can move infront your "barricade" use a camcorder or something like that. yes you'll look foolish and you may want to explain to your family/roommates what the hell you're doin kneeling on the floor behind the couch in full gear with you gun (empty of air AND paint of course) before hand, but it should help.

it also depends on what position you're playin on the field. front/tape runners get in all those funky positions, i.e. off hand, laying down, behind the back, etc while most back players are standing up so they can see the field and inform their teammates where the opposing team is moving, elimations from both teams, and so on and so forth.

hope this helps.


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Yanky septic mikey thing, i'm not gay.

also, we are gonna play the next m25 i think, so we need a team together to confirm they can play.

and sam you may as well hold your gun in one hand, as it has no air:rolleyes:

SPOD needs training, spoke to colin, he said we can train with them, or he'd help us out.
