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I luv Camo!!!


camo debate

To cammo or not to cammo........that is the question!

It seems to me that we're back to the old (and ultimately pointless) debate of which is better....rec/woodland or tourny/sup' air. The only people who really seem to feel that strongly either way about the military aspects aren't members of the public but the paintballers themselves. Cammo really isn't important in sup' air but it's an integral part of woodland. It's horses for courses and when it comes right down to it the public still see "guns" whatever the format and the military element will be there however much you try to get away from it or play it down. How many people who play paintball in the UK actually play sup' air? It's a very small proportion. The majority of players are going through their local site, generally on a Sat or Sun. If you play responsibly at a UKPSF site that follows their Code of Conduct and transport your kit sensibly then there shouldn't be any fear about negative feed back about military style gear. I prefer woodland but we play sup'air from time to time and I wouldn't slag it off just cos it's not my cup of tea........it gets the game a lot of good press.

Before anyone gets ripped in........you may not agree with my point of view but with 16 years playing and 5 years running SPC full time I'm at least entitled to my opinion for what it's worth

Tommy Gun-Nexus

everyones entitled to an oppinion mate, even the Scottish ;)

I havent got a problem with Rec, Although I do believe it is a war game and not a sport. It's SeedyKay and his signiture that kicked this off...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
camo debate

Originally posted by al.
To cammo or not to cammo........that is the question!

It seems to me that we're back to the old (and ultimately pointless) debate of which is better....rec/woodland or tourny/sup' air. The only people who really seem to feel that strongly either way about the military aspects aren't members of the public but the paintballers themselves. Cammo really isn't important in sup' air but it's an integral part of woodland. It's horses for courses and when it comes right down to it the public still see "guns" whatever the format and the military element will be there however much you try to get away from it or play it down. How many people who play paintball in the UK actually play sup' air? It's a very small proportion. The majority of players are going through their local site, generally on a Sat or Sun. If you play responsibly at a UKPSF site that follows their Code of Conduct and transport your kit sensibly then there shouldn't be any fear about negative feed back about military style gear. I prefer woodland but we play sup'air from time to time and I wouldn't slag it off just cos it's not my cup of tea........it gets the game a lot of good press.

Before anyone gets ripped in........you may not agree with my point of view but with 16 years playing and 5 years running SPC full time I'm at least entitled to my opinion for what it's worth
Al, I don't think anybody is trying to say one is better than the other, I respect the right for others to enjoy playing woodland, no problemo but the reason we feel strongly about any militaristic connection is because the public tacitly accept there is one.
They don't really give a sh!t about paintball but they do believe it's an arena for people to strut around in cammo, letting off paint grenades and pretending to be soldiers and that fact alone more than qualifies me and others to feel strongly about denying there is any connection.
The sight of guns and multi-coloured inflatable bunkers inside stadiums and other arenas is I doubt, gonna inspire any of Joe Public to think we are wannabee Rambos but put a cammo hood on and ......well you know how that one goes.
I wouldn't say woodland-ballers are pussies but I would respectfully suggest they aren't sportsmen either......


Robbo.............without trying to blow sunshine etc, if anyone out there is entitled to voice their opinion then it's certainly you. I really do understand where you're coming from. You've probably just made the key point........sup air' or tourny really is in all the ways that matter a sport whereas rec ball/woodland is more of a recreational pursuit.


Apr 1, 2004
It depends what you classify a sport as ...

our good friends at dictionary.com say


1.Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
2.An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
3.An active pastime; recreation.

well guys?

Is paintball a physical activity? - Yes
Is it governed by a set of rules or customs? - Yes
Is it undertaken competitively? - Yes
Is it an active pastime / recreation - Yes

Is Woodball a Sport? - Yes
Is Sup 'Air a Sport? - Yes
camo debate

Originally posted by al.
To cammo or not to cammo........that is the question!
now thats sumin funny, smirked my ass off then, camo is cool, i like the stealth part, but i still like tourny play. i do like stealth coz suprising ppl is soo funny for me :D i'd say they're even, i'd play both full stop.! well full stop exclamation mark! :D