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Importing From the US : Description/Packaging Query


Active Member
Feb 27, 2002
Manchester, UK
what you definately need to put on is a muzzle velocity of less than 12 ib per foot! If he makes it as repair he cannot put an invoice price on it,

Customs may ask you for invoices for work done... best bet is to have him mark it as warranty repairs...

they may also ask for proof of your posting it to the states,

had problems getting halo back through after sending it for upgrades... grrrr... and my girlfriend works for customs and she could give me much better advice than this...

not sure how you stand on the gift front either..

Jon S

London Faction
Sep 22, 2003
Why not ask the supplier for some cough-sponsorship?-cough :D I dont see what problems there would be if it was given to you as part of a sponsorship, value = 0.00!
Although there's the risk of the insurance coverage being zero too.

Jon S

London Faction
Sep 22, 2003
When I was looking at getting a Palmer Blazer, I looked into getting them to send me a "sample", which works on the same principle. I haven't actually done it, though...although PPS themselves did tell me that they've sent samples out before without mishap.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Ok, here we go.

If the product plus shipping cost has a value of £18 or higher you will be eligable for VAT, import duty and brokerage fees.

For a Gift the limit is raised to an enourmous £36!!!

Commercial samples comming in to the country are still eligable for Tax based on the value of the commercial invoice, should that be zero you will possibly have to pay "Market Value" tax, for which they will probably crack open the box and look at your recipt.

Warranty repairs are taxable unless you can provide proof of shipping should the package be stopped, and a package of the size and weight of a marker that is quite likely!

Obvioulsy I am not telling you this to defraud the Tax man!

Just bear in mind that the value on the commercial invoice (this goes outside the packaging!) is what your duty fees will be based on. I recently got stung as some muppet had put a value of $300 on the external invoice, even though the goods were only worth $133, and the invoice inside said as much!!!! So should by some mishap a lower value be marked on the outside of the box, this is what you would be taxed on.:)

So perhaps you could be buying a commercial sample at a discounted rate...........and then cross your fingers!

As for marking on the outside:

Product Type : Sporting Goods
Product Description : Paintball Marker

Tick the commercial sample box and away you go! Avoid making it too obvious, excess detail can become an "Orgy of evidence" and instantly looks dodgy!

