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Inter university Tourney

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
bloody quick replies of the lot of you. i'll send you all some info as soon as i work somethings out. bully if you read this before i email you if you want to help we will appreciate it.

also everyone pass the word out to any paintball player that you know who play paintball - lets see if we can set up some more uni teams.



New Member
Feb 27, 2002
I can probably get a team together but we wouldnt all be from the same uni.....in fact most of us have already graduated...but we could help make up the numbers? I think its a great idea, Id have helped out last year whilst I was still at uni.

You should ask around for sponsorship of prizes and stuff, make sure someone does a write up for pgi ... definately helps

Hope it comes off

Alex Hicks.

Just your average lunatic
Jul 14, 2001
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I emailed ant from PGI last year and he didn't respond. When I was going to set up the tourney the intention was to run it at the 6e site just after the exams in the summer however 6e say no-one from the Durham exec have contacted them since I did.

Who are you sleeping beauty, whats your connections with Durham? When I was captaining Durham we always got a team together and were only once short of a player for a tourney. There were always problems but nothing to do with organisation just no-one owned a car or were old enough to hire one. Why the harsh comments about them?
Whats this alumini account? If I had one how would I find it? Also do I get one if I failed my course rather than graduated.

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
tom codling is a student at reading and is trying to set up a team. speak to your sports sabbatical.

any pro teams or amature teams who would want to marshall (we will sort out something for you) please let me know if you are willing.

sponsors - if any company employees are reading this if you could ask if they may sponsor the event.

alex, i have spoken to ant at pgi in the last few weeks and he said that he will see what he can do - i guess once we have some info we contact him.

the more work and word of mouth we get the better so spread the word.
Alright Rich,

It's me from Bugout (now Troopers) fame. I'm setting up a Lincoln Uni team, coz i found we had more than our share of ex tourney players doing courses here!! If i can't get a team together then i will certainly come and marshall! Try approaching the guys from Nottingham Skirmish for a site, since theirs rocks!!:D :D

Drop me an email with the details so far and i will see what i can do!:p :D

Tony - Stupid Troopers

NorTees massive!
Jul 11, 2001
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Couldn't agree more about contacting Skirmish Nottingham. They seem to be keen to run tournaments and it would be an ideal site for an inter uni one.

If Marshalls are needed i'm willing to offer my services too, for a small fee :D

Sleeping Beauty

Look ... I got a star !!
Feb 1, 2002
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To Alex Hicks ...

Sorry to anyone who's not Alex.

No offence meant against Durham. In my second year there they were just thinking about setting up a 'society' but two years later they hadn't got anywhere further than a list of names on the Dunelm notice board.
I'm sure, now they've eventually got a team formed, they have found the committed members and will get to the tourneys.

(Re: the alumni account, i'd contact the IT desk. You may have had to graduate - not sure - it's supposed to be for Durham 'leavers' so you may qualify - they may have kept details of the .ac.uk accounts anyway so i'd check with them just incase they have your ex-emails).

chris h

New Member
Oct 23, 2001
south yorkshire
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i have just read all the replies on this site and i think its fecking gr8........good luck launching it....i only wish this could have come about when i was @ uni!!!!

just trying 2 give u guys some encouragement.........fecking red tape huh.....if they refuse just say they are being paintballist....(yeh thats a good word.....lets throw that 1 @ em)

good luck


Jan 10, 2002
Just SoManc
Red tape (more like solid iron doors)
I had my first meeting and 45 people turned up (not bad for first meeting!).
I then went to tell the society person and she basically admitted that she didn't even expect me to even get a meeting set up.
her words were " after we spoke last time i thought that would be the end of it "
then she said that they have to make it hard to stop societies being set up!:mad:
anyways what i am trying to say is although this year will not have an official paintball society ( have to wait till next year)We will sure as hell will be putting up a team. with or without permission off a little girl in an office.
I might have to lend kit and steal cars but there will be 5 guys on that field!