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is robbo on a major ego trip? bigger than the one we all thought he is on


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001

But I beg to differ, I think I know exactly who you are; your judicious use of grammar gives you away again.
There are only four people I know of, who use this board, who could have constructed a post so grammatically proficient as yours, and you my friend are self-evidently one of them.
But, a good try, even though a tad obvious.
So no more rolling around in the sand, come out of the closet you northern woofter !!!
Robbo (Self-evidently)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Hmmm, since we're getting into this grammar thing, I feel I must mention that I noticed that for some reason a lot of people who speak English as their first language really SUCK at their grammar and spelling. I wonder why this is........
Also, it appears that those who nag and bitch the most are also the least proficient at spelling and grammar. This begs to be researched, there has to be a reason for this.......

By the way, who do you think this Larry/Problem guy is Robbo?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hey Budha

You do make a good point as your English and Nick Broccoli Dwarf's is far in advance of most people who post on here with English being their first language.
I 'm afraid it is a sad indictment of us Brits being lazy *******s as well as the Yanks who I have to say display some of the worst English I have ever read.
But then again this ain't no language forum, it's for paintball !!
As to the identity of our friend 'Problem', if I told you his name, it would mean nothing to you, so there's not much point in unveiling him.
Laters Bud


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Rancid !!

Woof, Woof..........Woof............Woof...................Meeeoowww !!!
From a dog to a cat and maybe even a Tyger......the plot thickens :)


Mother, is that you?
Awww c'mon. Tyger's way too bright to invent a different person just to have a pop at you. That's not his style, that would be like....childish.

Anyway, whoever this larry geezer is, he's giving you way too much credit.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Mr Rancid

Since when has intelligence been an obstruction to deceive ?
In fact, my experience has shown me the more intelligent are just better at deceiving.
And the book you gave me once illustrates that point no better.
As for being childish, I am not altogether sure a deceit of this kind could be deemed 'childish', rather best described as 'expedient'.
RS is not even an option !!!
Look at the grammar, look at the sentence construction and RS is immediately precluded from consideration and if it ain't you my friend then I'm afraid William Blake suggests his identity and dare we frame his fearful symetry ? .... :)
For the rest of you guys and gals wondering what the freakin hell I am talking about, or rather who I am talking about and to whom I am talking to.......I will do one more day's bit of diggin and I will reveal all, if I can that is :)

james adkin

Jul 14, 2001
wow this is turning into quite some thick smelly stuf.

I thought it was just some bloke having a go at Robbo but now it seems much more interesting.

But my first post still stands yeah???????

Lets not argue - lets be the best at paintball.

James Adkin - The Paintball Peacemaker:D :D :D


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Identity slowly revealed !!

OK, this is the deal, our friend 'Problem' is Yank, that's a gimmee.
Why ?
Because in his first pop at me, he uses the word 'Rumour' spelt the English way instead of the American spelling, 'Rumor'.
OK, he did this to put me off the scent because when I did a search on his other earlier posts, not in this thread, he uses and spells the word 'Realized' which of course is the American spelling.
The reason he uses it there is because there was no reason to hide his 'Americanness', so when he writes a thinly veiled little pop at me, he realises he needs to throw me off the scent, hence, the subterfuge in spelling 'Rumour' like an Englishman.
Also, the timing of the posts are Yank based, no sensible minded Englishman would be up at those hours :)
Hee hee, the plot thickens, now I have nailed this little deceiver down to one of two people, one is obviously Tyger and the other is a good friend of mine, Justin Owen, who seems to be conspicuous by his abscence from this thread.
Give me one more day on this and I will have him :)
But I could of course be completely wrong...............