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is this forum facist

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Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2006
(near) Southampton
ok as opinons are the freedom of speach, should this forum have dictatorship, ok you have an opinon, the mods get it wrong you get banned, no very democratic, ok ban me again, im on a mission i have 2500 domains, expect to keep the admins busy, peace out nutz for josh
What are you 5? On the whole marker deal, it would be easier to accept that you royally screwed up, along with any respect that anyone might have had for "Team SWAT".

Deal with it :)


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Now to answer the original question, are we facist?

I'd say no. It's hard to be facist on these forums, as you can't really see the faces of the people you are dealing with, so you don't know what they look like and consequently can't discriminate because of how people look.

However, I would like to point out that I am very fascist.


Hauptsturmführer Buddha.
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