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Leeds University Union Paintbal Club


Leeds Uni Paintball Club
Jul 9, 2006
hi, sorry for the late reply...my course is just nuts at the moment (about 7 assorted assignments to be in for friday:( ) so i haven't gotten much acheived yet but next semester i have a lot less hours as well as a week or so off at the beginning after my exams where i should be able to acheive something...

have added you to msn though i'm not on much at the mo, already have another guy from here (eddiecsd) interested as well plus a few people from my course and halls so it should be easy enough to set a club up when i get a chance

i'll see if i can organise a social/get together type thing at the beginning of next year before the work kicks in and after the exams and then a woodsball day or something for the people who want to give it a go over at powerplay or somewhere...

we only need 20 people willing to join to get the club started, though we wouldn't get any funding for the first year, so i'll print off some posters over the holiday and then put them up in my halls and engineering department...

i'm in the kayak club so i'll speak to them about how much they have to spend on transport etc if we need anything like that as we regularly get minibuses out to rivers etc...

to be honest the first year will probably just be a matter of getting the club established and entering whatever we can...lots of people are interested but most of them have no kit, no money for kit and have only done one or two punter days at best...(and i'm not much better, i just have the kit:) )

anyways see you later (my mobile is 07904 332936) and if you can drum up any extra interest at your halls/course whatever it would be much appreciated:)



Leeds Uni Paintball Club
Jul 9, 2006
No idea yet, i figured we would get the club running first, grab a team out of those who sign up and then sit down and sort it out then

course i'll take any suggestions now (though i'm quite liking the lemmings :D )