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London attacks - what's going on???


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
As to whether these guns (of which I have no experience whatsoever) could be moded to fire real stuff, I was quoting (obviously erroneously) an internet source and I would hope that if there were any sniff of a blanket banning of paintball because of the marker shown above, then I would hope measures would be immediately effected to make sure it didn't happen.

But hey, we digress somewhat......

Peace out


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
So, now that it's happenned, and they've popped a cap or 5 in the head of someone who they maybe shouldn't have, how does everyone feel?

From the bbc news website here:

"We are now satisfied that he was not connected with the incidents of Thursday 21st July 2005.
For somebody to lose their life in such circumstances is a tragedy and one that the Metropolitan Police Service regrets."
Is Duffy about to go on a one man protest mission?
Does Ben still think it's a "neccessary evil"?

And is it only me that thinks they should claim it's part of a new directive from TFL (Transport For London) to get tough on fare dodgers? :rolleyes: ;)


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
rather the guy was shot and found to not be carrying explosives than not shot and to blow himself up...

simple fact is, your damned if you do and your damned if you dont...

why did he run by the way? there's stupid if i ever saw it.


Platinum Member
This very question was posed in the pub...why, would anyone continue to run along a platform, after being told to stop or face the consequences, several times by "police officers" (if thats what they were, coz seriously, 5 shots in the head...on a man running...police...really?).

I mean, bearing in mind the current state of affairs, a man if that desciption...with a back pack...in that location...not stopping when told to do so, or be shot...thats got to be one seriously missinformed individual, or I-Pods have a great deal to answer for?

As was said, the do gooders who are moaning about hiom being shot, would still be moaning, why wasnt he stopped, had he blown himself up.


Manchester Firm
Jul 14, 2005
Knowle, Solihull
Visit site
The dude that was shots probibly did even understand english! and the armed police are trained to shot ppl in the head at least 2 times to make shure they are dead and it was the head because if he was acually strapped up to a bomb and they shot him in the chest it could have gone off! i think the police did the right thing personally:mad:


Platinum Member
Originally posted by Skeetmaster

As was said, the do gooders who are moaning about hiom being shot, would still be moaning, why wasnt he stopped, had he blown himself up. [/B]
Absolutely spot on, with the way that the world is nowadays why take the risk. Luckily enough this time the officers were given the green light to shoot him, and with the way the bloke reacted, he could well have been a terrorist, otherwise it could be another case of the bloke that was shot with a table leg in a carrier bag. My old man was an armed officer in the city, luckily enough he never had to fire his weapon in anger, but he did have to draw it. The comebacks that are now being placed onto officers over fatality shootings are rediculous. The investigatimg teams are never there and probably dont reliase the thought either them or me that will be running the officers mind at the time. In my opinion armed officers are doing the best job that they can with the restrictions placed on them, and always thinking, I might get sent down for this.



Platinum Member
Originally posted by Rimmington
The dude that was shots probibly did even understand english! and the armed police are trained to shot ppl in the head at least 2 times to make shure they are dead and it was the head because if he was acually strapped up to a bomb and they shot him in the chest it could have gone off! i think the police did the right thing personally:mad:
Actually...they generally go for the largest target, being the chest etc...as this is most likely to end in full contact, rather than a head shot, which is less easy..of course, head shots are a definate way to end something, if the range and risk are in your favour.

They other reason, being...that if they had dropped him, by shooting in the leg, he could still have detonated a bomb...by destroying the brain, it stops the ability to do anything.

I have had training in surgical shots, wherby, for instance, in a hostage situation (literally, holding someone close, at gunpoint), two shooters would aim for the target's chin, in order to cut the spinal cord...that way, regardless of if the target dies or not, they are no longer physically able to pull a trigger etc, as the signal from the brain, never gets past their neck.

Damn right they did the right thing, tragic tho it is.


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Having also played counterstrike I too have had this surgical training but would also have backflipped over the guy and unleashed a flurry of chin-guided ninja throwing stars just to make sure...

It's called surgical anti-fool ninja flip out training.... really.


Platinum Member
Originally posted by matski
Having also played counterstrike I too have had this surgical training but would also have backflipped over the guy and unleashed a flurry of chin-guided ninja throwing stars just to make sure...

It's called surgical anti-fool ninja flip out training.... really.
Heh LOL! Nope, never played CS, BF1942 and DC yes!
I was refering to reak life training, with real rifles etc, as that is what I do other than paintball, I also earn money from it from time to time (Fox's, Deer, Boar etc):D