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Home to Notorious Kids
Aug 15, 2002
my comment was aimed at picking up other peoples rubbish, not my own. But if everyone did clear up after themselves, would the Mllenniums reduce the fees.......no
But if they don't clear up after themselves, the Millennium may have good reason for putting the fees up!


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
my comment was aimed at picking up other peoples rubbish, not my own. But if everyone did clear up after themselves, would the Mllenniums reduce the fees.......no
Do you have any idea the costs involved in moving everything around Europe? The cost of shipping has increased a lot this year. But you are right if you keep it tidy that will reduce the cost of fuel and shipping and therefore the Millennium can reduce their prices!

Chris Bell

New Member
Oct 16, 2004
Malaga clear up

You're talking about 2 distinct items. On the one hand keeping a site tidy is something you should be conscious about all the time, you might find that had an impact on the fees. Talk to the board about fees.
You all want to come back to Fuengirola, but you need to remember the only industry this town has is its beaches. True the Millennium will bring in money for them, but if they have to spend serious money and s*** loads of agro making the beach acceptable for the rest of the year then they might lose their enthusiasm to allow us back.:)

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
Okay - on this whole trash issue, millennium could in fact make it a bit easier on people who actually WANT to clean up after themselves!

Put up more trashbins (noone at the grandstands for instanse!) - and change the bags in those few there actually were, they were full after the first day!

To make a list of pros and cons:

Great venue in general (both for spectators and players)
Good turf
Pretty cheap food, drinks etc.
Cheap accomodation (if you checked up on it yourself;))
Loads of spectators NOT involved in paintball

TOTALLY f***** up registration (pre-ordered IDs = more than 2 hours queeing?)
WAY too little toilets (those that were were messy after the first day!)
WAY too long between paint and pits

As some clever people put it: If this set-up had been made in a cornfield in Belgium people would have thought it was the worst event ever!!! ;)

Being on the beach + nice weather sort of saved the event hehe !

Anyone else noticed how the price of the rental cars suddenly went up by 60 € as we had to pay for the gas the car was delivered with ? So what if we didn´t have to deliver it back with a full tank - we ended up using only 1/4 of each tank, now that is rip-off in my book - no chance in hell gas in Spain is 240 € pr. tank!


Infected member
Apr 9, 2008
The location was the best. It was like vacation and paintball at the same time... I can die happy now :D

Now serious,

Great location, the turf was nice, the field was super, the teams very good and we had a lot of fun. It's our first year that we'll play all Millenniums and I hope that there all this good :)

See you in Londen :)


Southshore High
Oct 8, 2003
Visit site
Yet another post about Malaga

Over all I have to say that this event is by far the best Millennium I've been to in years. Everything seemed to run smoothly bar a few minor hicups. A huge praise should go out to all the refs that were pver looked. They did an outstanding job (especially when you consider they're working their arse's off in 30 degree heat. Keep up the good work.

Just a quick one also to say congrats to all the European teams upping their game. It really did show at this event.

ciao for now


NG Allstars
Apr 12, 2003
Visit site

yeah it was a great event, great reffs, great beer, great food (not the kebab) and great atmosfere.
the only thing i think sucks is than when i got home i snowed. it's been doing so for three days now. got 40cm of powdersnow and i dont want it.
but then again thats not the oranisers fault, or is it????


cheers from north of sweden.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2004
Reffing i thought was excellent all weekend i think they were told to relax it a little on the M5 as not to scare off new teams with thousands of 141's would say the reffing was better then Basildon last year.

Good job millenium:)
In my opinion, the reffing on field 2 wasn't so great.
In one game we got messed around because they messed up the score sheets, one minute we had lost, then the next minute we were told to gear up and go out for the last point, then they were telling us we had lost again.
The only thing that really bugged me though, is that NONE of the refs were moving. Yeah, sometimes it's alright to stay on the sidelines, But not for the whole game. I'd shoot the other team, and there would be a BLATENT hit on them, and I'd be sat there screaming my head off for 5 minutes trying to get someone to go in and pull the player while dishing out a 141 and it wasn't pulled. In a game where I was coaching it happened again. I know you're all going roll your eyes, but yeah, we could've won more points if the reffing was up to scratch and 141's were pulled properly. But they weren't.
In another game, it was a 4 on 1 and I was the last person in, the refs were still stood on the sidelines. I was in the middle of the field. There wasn't a single ref near me all game.
the refs just seemed inexperienced.

Rant over. Sorry!

(My views are my own and do not represent the views of my team)