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New Member
Nov 27, 2001
Visit site
Did any of you guys mention Golgo 13, or Golden Boy? Yeah, those were always fun to watch... I guess i'm not really *that* much into anime, I've seen a couple of movies though.

Dammit, I feel like I need an avatar in order to be accepted on this board... gotta think of something.


Permanent Newbie
Dec 4, 2001
Los Angeles
Hmmm... I don't know where I got my avatar. I've had the image for awhile. It was my wallpaper for awhile. I think I just did a Yahoo! search for Toshiro Mifune images.

I missed the last half of the final episode of Cowboy Bebop. The guy who does the voice of Spike also did the title character in this series called Goku (not related to dragonball). Kept tripin' me out that Spike's voice kept coming out of this funny looking guy in a not all that great anime series.