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My HUGE list of wants!!

Soul Doubt

Jul 7, 2009
South Wales
Basically I have lots of wants, bits and bobs etc now I’m not desperate for all this gear, so it shall be in my sig so I can gather it all slowly, And I know that some of the items are very hard to get hold of, but hey you don’t ask you don’t get! And if they pop up I shall be a happy chappy! Offer up peeps the worst I will say is no thanks! :p
As this is a big list, and I havent always got a surplus cash flow, i may not be able to buy it, even if it wanted it! but thats life i guess :rolleyes:

Now for the Rules

(AKA for you)
1) Post up pics, with username and date
2) No ridiculous offers, i will only laugh
3) Keep it clean, dont hurt my feelings
4) remember the forum rules!

Hopper Bits
Suicide Shells for my reloader B (no pink or blue please)
Standard virtue crown for my Reloader B
Dye Rotor, Red or White

Goggle Bits
Black JT flex frames with smoke lense
Goggle bags ( events and grillz And JT)
New frame foam for my E-vents
Funky soft ears for my E-vents (ones from the New Events are nice)
JT soft ears, most considered, but i want a small pair not those huge ones :)
V force Grillz smoke lenses (other lenses also considered)
V force Grillz in black (have a pair in red to trade)

Clothing Bits
Unknown Soldiers (UKS) Jersey GOT ONE!:D
Russian Legion (RL) Jersey
Russian Legion battlepack! good condition
Black and white headbands/sandannas
Most things red, black and white :rolleyes:

DM Bits
Custom DM grips (I don’t like the standard ones, they look so dull)
Any DM7 bits and bobs (repair kits etc)
A new feedneck, must be clamping, Dye and all black
PMR Bits
PMR Standard grips in Red (can trade for the same in Grey)
Black Proto on/off asa (oops)
Tank Bits
Tank covers (Most accepted any Red/Black/Grey/white)

Extra Bits
Dye Gun case (not a carry case)
Lube (Dow 55 or Dye slick)
Grip Tape (the funkier the better would like Red, White or Black)

So Thanks in advance! Post up! pics are a must!
Once again, if i cant get it off you staright away, i may try again when ive got paid etc!

Dan :D


round the town funky kwow
Mar 11, 2008
to I got a cp tank cover and a i4 goggle bag in my for sale thread will edit with the pics.my itouch is playing up at the moment